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Pro Feedback

This channel is for requesting help or support with Decile Pro, the LP platform from Decile Group
I logged into Decile Pro, and a tax update window popped up.  All the fields are updated, but it still shows an error icon that says please update tax id.  There is no area to update tax id on the screen that shows up.  I try hitting the Dashboard menu at the top, and it shows the same tax update window: Review your tax information
Please ensure your tax information is up to date and accurate on your profile page to ensure a seamless preparation of 2024 tax documents
In one of the webinars, it was mentioned that it's possible to obtain a sample of a founders' agreement. Is there a specific format for such an agreement that can be referred to? Are there any special points that should be addressed in such an agreement? 
I am keen to speak with someone to learn about fund launch
I want to chat with someone as I am keren to learn how to start a Fund

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