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Accepted Answer
Nov 28, 2023
Residual Value to Paid-In Capital (RVPI) is a term used to measure the residual value of a private equity fund as a multiple of the capital paid in by the investors. The residual value is the current fair value of all assets held by the fund, while the paid-in capital by the investors is the total of all contributed capital up to that time.
By itself, RVPI is a useful measure for investors in gauging the current value of a fund’s assets relative to the initial investment. RVPI also provides a perspective on how much value remains in the fund vs distributions the investor may already have received. RVPI can also be combined with the Distributed Value to Paid-in Capital (DPI) to assess the Total Value to Paid-in Capital (TVPI) of the fund.
RVPI will change as the residual assets in the fund are valued each quarter. RVPI is also reduced as assets are realised through exits and capital is distributed to investors. A fund’s RVPI will therefore reduce to zero at the end of the fund’s life.