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Fund Economics

Ask about fund economics, including metrics, calculations, definitions, allocation strategies, and modeling practices. The inputs includes models, tactics, strategies, best practices, and practical guidance from top back office and fund modeling experts.

Do VCs set predefined IRR and TVPI targets per deal or for the whole fund before investing?

Top answer:

VCs typically set predefined IRR and TVPI targets for the whole fund rather than for individual deals. These targets help guide the overall investment strategy and performance expectations for the fund. Individual deals are assessed base...


What is the average ticket size for an early-stage generalist fund's LPs in the MENA region?

Top answer:

That's an impossible questions to answer because the check size is determined by the fund fundraising ability and their strategy. If a fund is doing pre-seed, perhaps they do more smaller investments. If they are seed, they need bigger c...


What is the most common free structure for a fund of funds?

I know the 2 and 20 wouldn't apply here, since you are investing in directly in funds. If 30% of the portfolio goes into Funds, and 70% is direct into companies (mostly coinvests), are you still considered a Fund of Funds?

Top answer:

Fund of Funds fees are typically 1 and 10.  On the strategy you mentioned above, ti sounds like a classic VC Fund. You will not be able to do 70/30 though due to the VC exemption and the complexity with reporting. But it could be 80/20.

 -  Mike Suprovici

What is a good fund I size for a fund of funds? Does the same 5-10M guidance apply as a standard fund?

What is a good fund I size for a fund of funds?  Does the same $5-10M guidance apply as a standard fund? I

Top answer:

Fund targets should be set based on the GPs ability raise capital, rather then by other external targets. The minimum fund size for a Delaware fund is $2.5m to justify the operational costs. In other domiciles, it's considerably higher d...


what are top decile benchmarks for DPI and IRR?

Top answer:

Venture Capital Performance Varies by Vintage Year• Vintage year significantly impacts top-decile performance • In strong bull markets top-decile funds achieve higher TVPI/DPI/IRR than in weaker markets Fund Stage Affects Metrics• Early...


Should I show or promise a lower IRR and then over deliver bigger returns or promise higher IRR to attract LPs and investors. I got a mixed reaction from the different LPs

Top answer:

Don't promise anything specific. This is a high-risk asset class. Instead, keep it high level and say something like: "It’s not uncommon for venture funds to target a 3-4x return in a medium scenario and 8x+ in a high scenario." This app...


How is the process of assessing capital requirements?

Top answer:

Assessing capital requirements is the first step in a capital call process for a venture capital fund. Fund managers determine the need for additional capital, which may arise due to new investment opportunities or ongoing fund expenses,...


do investors who commit and invest funds at early stage gain more return at the exit?

Those who invested on day-1 commits for a longer period. Investors put money on day-365 should not get the same return in terms of amount. The fund return percentage might be same but the cash allocation/accumulation for return should take into account the time value of money.  Any one with an experience with returns delivered to investor?

Top answer:

Venture Capital is a long-term investment. VERY long term. If a fund gets an early exit, say within a year of investment, it's likely to be a bad investment such as an aquihire. It's improbable that a great exit that can return a pre-see...


what are industry statistics about average vc returns of investments in pre-seed vs. later stages

why invest in pre-seed while risks are much higher 

Top answer:

There are no standards for returns in VC, because venture is an outlier business. This is also why most of the data online is not great, especially at the pre-seed or seed level.  If LPs are asking your for this info, you're in a bad pl...


Is any VC model between focused/dispersed/hybrid recommended for a First Fund/Solo GP (I am assuming here a $5M Pre-Seed fund) conscious that a hands-on approach may be preferred for a first fund to demonstrate your diligence/advisory skills but that you may not be able to execute more than 10 deals because you are solo and thus risk a lack of diversification in your portfolio?

Top answer:

You need to pick a model that fits your strategy, secret sauce, and stage. For example, if you invest in pre-seed, naturally you will lead to a more dispersed approach because the risk of the portfolio companies is so high. It's not unco...


What is the typical share of the GP that people sell and how much will an investor typically pay for it?

The topic of selling a stake in the fund's GP or ManCo to investors has come up several times in webinars and AMAs. This seems to be a way to for the partners to raise capital to support themselves during fundraising or finance their GP commitment. Can anyone put some numbers to this idea?  Also, what happens if the fundraising effort is not successful? Does the investor lose their money or are the GPs on the hook to repay it?

Top answer:

There is no standard amount or numbers. What you're referring to here is having someone invest in the GP entity. First, you need to set a valuation on the GP entity. A good place to start is by trying to pencil out the value of the carry...


Why is recycling fees complex?

Why is recycling fees complex? It seems like simple math in accounting. I asked Decile Base but got an uninformative answer: `Recycling fees in the context of venture capital refers to the process of reinvesting proceeds from the sale or exit of a portfolio company into new investments. The "Recycle Amount" is a percentage set in the Limited Partnership Agreement (LPA) that determines the upper limit of what can be recycled and redeployed. However, a fund manager is not required to deploy up to that exact Recycled Amount percentage. It's important to note that recycling is often avoided in a first fund due to its complexity. Why is recycling fees complex? Recycling fees can be complex because they involve reinvesting proceeds from the sale or exit of a portfolio company into new investments. This process requires careful management and tracking of funds, and can potentially delay the start of a new fund. It can also be difficult to explain to inexperienced limited partners. Therefore, while recycling can increase the amount of capital available for investment, it also adds a layer of complexity to fund management.`

Top answer:

There are two reasons: • It extends the fund life. If you are on Fund 1, you want Fund 1 to get done fast so you can move to Fund 2. • It’s hard to explain to LPs. It will take the pitch away from the thesis and to a discussion about the...


historically have pre-seed funds performed better by keeping resrvers for follow-on or by increasing the number of companies they invest in

Would love to find some aggregated data on historical performance for funds following the two different approaches.

Top answer:

Most small funds can't have reserves. Reserves are viable around the $20m range. This is because, in many cases, just maintaining pro-rata in some of the winners can cost millions of dollars. So it's just not really viable for funds <$10...


I'm getting several questions comparing the S&P index with the possible return of our fund, how should I answer it?

1) An ordinary bank fixed deposit doubles in 7.5 years or less with zero risk. 2) S&P 500 $100 invested in 2011= $444 in 2023, a return of 344%, 12.5% per year. If Adjusted for inflation, published fund returns will be even lower. I saw a similar report from an Indian fund as well touting 2.5x returns. What am I missing here?

Top answer:

If have reached this point, you probably have lost this LP and are unlikely to be able to turn them around. That being said, here is what this LP is missing. Unlike the asset classes that this LP is citing, there is a MAJOR difference be...


When there are multiple GPs, how do they split fee and carry between GPs? What are some models and best practices?

Top answer:

First, confirm that you and any other Managing Partners or General Partners (Partners) have the capacity to invest up to 1% or more of the Fund Size in cash or possibly in startup equity at cost. Next, confirm that all Partners can work ...


What are the costs to manage a fund in dollars?

Top answer:

A fund has costs that are both one-time and recurring. A fund incurs one-time organizational expenses in the first year, usually in the form of legal, accounting, and state compliance expenses. Here are the vendors that typically make up...


How many people can a $5M fund support?

Top answer:

Please review this article that specifies the Venture Capital management fee model. During the investment period, a $5m fund on a sliding scale management fee schedule generates ~$150,000 in yearly revenue from fees. This can typically s...


What is the process you would use to apply the Valuation Policy to a portfolio of 20 startups each quarter?

Top answer:

The process to apply the Valuation Policy to a portfolio of 20 startups each quarter would involve several steps.  First, you would need to gather the latest financial and operational data from each startup. This could include recent fi...


How often are portfolio companies revalued?

Top answer:

At a minimum, portfolio companies should be reevaluated on a quarterly cadence. This ensures the most up to date metrics are being reported to Limited Partners.

 -  Rob Del Prete 0

How do VC firms determine a company's initial fair market value?

Top answer:

Typically, VC Firms will determine a company's initial FMV as the cost in which it was purchase as the purchase price is usually done at the company's latest FMV.

 -  Rob Del Prete 0

Does investing via a SAFE mean that the investment won't have a set valuation until a priced round?

On top of that, let's assume an investment in the seed round is made via SAFE and the share price at that stage is $0.15. In the Seed round, a priced investment comes in and the new share price is $3. In this case, is the investment from the Seed round going to get the value of the $0.15 or of the $3?

Top answer:

Yes, investing via a SAFE (Simple Agreement for Future Equity) means that the investment won't have a set valuation until a future priced round - there is also no share price set during a seed round comprised of SAFEs.  The valuation (a...


what is the difference between TVPI and RVPI?

Top answer:

TVPI - The amount of money distributed plus the fund’s unrealized value divided by the paid-in capital. RVPI - The amount of the fund’s unrealized value divided by the paid-in capital.

 -  Mike Suprovici

what is RVPI?

Top answer:

Residual Value to Paid-In Capital (RVPI) is a term used to measure the residual value of a private equity fund as a multiple of the capital paid in by the investors. The residual value is the current fair value of all assets held by the ...

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Applying the Pareto Law for forecasting

So with an understanding of the power law in its concept, does anyone know of an excel formula or model for figuring out what level of growth is needed by the 20% to break-even? the numbers to consider: I have written 50 checks for $100,000 Suppose 40 of them collapse to 0 suppose 8 of them have a 5x exit for me What would the other 2 need to reach as exit value to maintain breakeven, and then growth? What should i be considering in my model for this question? Is this something that can be easily modeled in excel? Has someone put something like this together?

Top answer:

Your model largely depends on your strategy. It's sub-optimal to create a strategy based on a model. Instead, a model needs to based on the strategy. You can find a good model template here:

 -  Mike Suprovici

Treasury management Q - do we put the money in short term gic or high interest account something like that until it is deployed? (whether money's not being deployed fast enough or whether someone wants to put the full amount upfront) Quick thoughts on that, who’s credited the interest ? Gp or LP - i know there are 3-5 entities created - thanks!

Top answer:

• Standard practice is to keep money in the fund account and deploy quickly to invest into companies.  • Investment instruments are not covered by the FDIC nor the CDIC. • First time fund managers for Fund I or Fund II should not have co...


Can a sample spreadsheet be produced for fund expenses paid yearly or over the term of the fund?

Following the table here: What are typical caps and best practices (which are limited and unlimited?) and for different size funds. Also a bit confusing that something like Travel & entertainment is a fund expense but paid for by the manager (I get it, and wouldn't if it was a fund expense it would be paid for by the fund?) - can you explain? Thanks!

Top answer:

The table in this blog post is a good start: There are no best practices here. Every fund is different. For example, a Deep Tech fund many need to spend a lo...


How do you calculate your personal addressable reach (PAR)?

When talking about fund return, Adeo mentions PAR (here is the post: It is unclear how to calculate this variable.

Top answer:

There are lots of ways to go about this, but one good way is to start with the focus of the thesis. Then, segment the network around this focus. Next, try to identify founders within the network and people that can help those founders. F...


What percentage of my mgmt fee and carry should I give a new partner if I'm already a year into the fund?

This new partner will help fundraise and close the 2nd half of the fund and potentially help me oversubscribe.

Top answer:

It's not uncommon to see 10 - 20% of the carry with vesting and a cliff for an additional partner at this stage. Sometimes more. Use the guidlines of the Venture Share agreement: However, don't put a...


How exactly is management fee taken from fund?

Let's say we do 4 capital calls over 2 years, and the management fee structure is 3% for first five and then 1% for next five. SO once an LP has transferred money into the account during the initial two years -- part of that capital is left there to later pay management fee as per schedule?

Top answer:

Correct - if you call 100% of their commitment over the 1st two years, then you would have money sitting in the fund's bank account for future management fee payments.

 -  Rob Del Prete 1

do i need to do the financial modelling? and does decile hub provide that? what software to use or excel?

and at which point in the program do i do this?

Top answer:

This will be covered in the second half of the VC Lab program and we'll provide all the templates etc...

 -  Mike Suprovici

Accelerator upfront management fee

How much is an acceptable fee (as a %) for an accelerator fund to take as an upfront fee instead of charging management fees, per year, as 2% of committed capital?

Top answer:

Typically, the fund and the accelerator are separate. The accelerator has it's own operational structure and generates revenue in a variety of ways, such as sponsorships etc... The fund is generally a classic 2 & 20 structure. The manage...


Success/failure rate of investments

My assumption about portfolio results are the following: if we make 20 seed investments, 2 could be highly successful, 8 will be boring survivors (returning little) and 10 will totally fail. Is that ratio in line with typical seed results? If not, what do you believe is more typical?

Top answer:

A typical return on a 20 company portfolio may have 1 to 3 venture style exits if the manager is strong. There may be another few portfolio companies that get a multiple, and the rest are either a wash or a loss.

 -  Adeo Ressi

What is the ideal target ownership range in pre-seed? Is there a minimum under which it doesn't make sense?

Top answer:

The ownership target is dependent on the manager's thesis and their model. For example, at the pre-seed stage, it's very common to see a higher volume of investments to compensate for the risk. However, the average valuations of the inve...


Forecasting exit value of startup?

Forecasting is obviously inaccurate, but how would you model a portfolio with "realistic" exit valuations?  Could startup's current deck provide any usable inputs for such model? E.g. market size, market CAGR, team experience etc? Obviously when founders say their ambition is just 100-500M$ exit, that tells something. But what else and how to factor in the assumptions?

Top answer:

Start with fund models from Foresight Exit potential from pre-seed and seed is more art than science. You're looking for team and product potential to scale dramatically to dominate (or cre...


Capital Call Frequency

Is there a standard or 'rule of thumb' that GPs should follow for capital call frequency? What frequency would allow the fund to be liquid but respectful of the LPs?

Top answer:

There are a number of factors that affect capital call schedules, including if the fund is fully subscribed or not, that greatly affect one's capital call planing. As a result, there is no 'rule of thumb'. Please read this article for fu...


Deployment KPIs for first-time fund managers

What are the deployment KPIs required for first-time fund managers towards the goal of second fundraise?

Top answer:

On a high level, first time managers need to be able to demonstrate to LPs that they: • Invested in amazing companies in Fund 1  • They subscribed their target fund size • They operated their fund to the highest standards

 -  Mike Suprovici

Strategic Portfolio Management in Venture Capital

How do venture capital firms strategically balance their investment portfolios to mitigate risk and maximize returns, while considering factors beyond financial performance, such as social impact and environmental sustainability?

Top answer:

Venture Capital is a RISK asset class and a very optimistic style of investing. The objective of venture capitalists is to fund category defining startups with the potential to return the entire fund or more given that on average the maj...


What is the best economic strategy for funds focusing on one sector?

I am particularly interested in healthcare, medtech and biotech startups in developing countries but I struggle to understand how specialized funds can minimize the risk of industry exposure. As an example, here in Brazil, the private healthcare system is at a record low, which in turn makes the entire industry struggle financially. How to minimize the risk on an industry performing bad when you are not diversifying sectors?

Top answer:

Venture Capital is a RISK asset class and a very optimistic style of investing. The objective of venture capitalists is to fund category defining startups, and by definition, it's really difficult to spot these companies if one is bearis...


Impact Investing Returns

Do Impact funds generally generate lower returns than others?  What is the expectation held by Limited Partners? 

Top answer:

There are lots of funds with an Impact thesis that are over-performing while others under perform. They follow a Pareto distribution for returns just like all other funds.

 -  Mike Suprovici

Must I form a management company as a solo GP with no employees, and where I want to distribute management fees directly to the GP?

Decile Base says a ManCo should be formed. However, in Sprint 9, Deliverable 9, the "Distribution" strategy doesn't require the formation of a ManCo. 

Top answer:

You need to create all 3 entities at the same time, including the ManCo. The distribution strategy referred to in Sprint 9 (, refers to how the ManCo will be setup to distribute fees and cary to the managing...


What should my Fund's carry structure be?

Should I have a hurdle rate?

Top answer:

For emerging managers, generally - no, the carry structure should be as follows: First, return 100% to each Partner until the amount distributed equals the Capital Contribution Value for each Partner for the exited investment, Fund Expe...


Should the Fund support a yearly audit request?

Top answer:

Generally, no - an emerging, smaller Fund should not support a yearly audit request.  Since the goal is to maximize the returns for LPs, it is preferred to use as much of LP's capital as possible to make investments rather than on fund ...


What should my Fund's management fee schedule look like?

Top answer:

Please reference: Venture Capital Management Fee Model. If you are working with Decile Partners, and you would like to adjust your management fee schedule per this article, please contact your Venture Associate. 

 -  Brett Sagan 1

What are the best free VC fund models out there?

Specifically for showing return expectations per individual startup.

Top answer:

Here is a great model that we recommend which is part of the VC Lab curriculum:

 -  Mike Suprovici

How to calculate amount under management

Is the management fee based strictly on the commit amounts, or does it need to factor in reductions in the amount under management resulting from payouts of management fees?

Top answer:

Management fees are typically paid on the basis of committed capital. Fees are normally drawn from the called capital, which will be defined in the LPA. You may find this article, this article and this article helpful. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

Carry for Principals and other firm members

If I hire someone at a Principal level at my VC firm what's the general carry I should offer? Is there a rough breakdown anywhere of what is market in terms of carry offered for various roles at a VC firm?

Top answer:

We recommend that you review VC Lab's Venture Share agreement. Principal level can receive anywhere from strategic to executive level compensation based on the recommended chart.

 -  Mike Suprovici

Will Progress Partner Receive Carry in Follow-On Funds as Well?

Progress Partner - "will entitle Progress Partner with the Venture Carry in such subsequent pooled investment vehicles" To my understanding of the clause below, you will get carry in follow-on funds as well?

Top answer:

Yes. The goal is to establish a multi-fund relationship, where the carry declines from 5%, 4% and then 3% for each subsequent fund.