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Fund Compliance

Ask about fund compliance issues, including know your customer (KYC), anti money laundering (AML), and global fund requirements. The data set has worldwide regulatory insights from experts with tips from the community.

What are the reasons that lead a country to be on that list and what happen to the citizen of a blocked countries?

In the US, does the law precise all the reasons leading a foreign country to be on the list of blocked countries?

Top answer:

With respect to the United States of America, there is not a singular exhaustive list of reasons or regulations that can lead to a country being on a designated list - there are many agencies that enforce such things, as well as orders a...


How the list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons is created?

Hi, In the compliance policy, how the list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons is created? What are the criteria to meet to be on that list? Thank you Natacha

Top answer:

"Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked persons" listed on a compliance policies are generally derived from governmental watchlists - each government will have its own criteria, though these overlap to an extent. It's important to ke...


Can LPs dismiss the GP for poor performance? If so, what is the process?

The GP has full control over investment decisions, portfolio management, fund operations, etc. while LPs remain passive investors, relying on the GP to execute the strategy. Based on the LPA, how can LPs hold the GP accountable for poor performance or misconduct that is not related to a Conflict of Interest?

Top answer:

It depends on how the LPA is written. Some LPA's may allow LPs some rights, but in general, that's not the case because LPs get a lot of protections due to the passive nature of the structure. Typically, LPs can force the fund into Limit...


What does the Clawback provision mean in practice?

For example, how is the "Excess Amount" calculated, when is repayment due, etc.

Top answer:

From the latest published version of the Cornerstone LPA (version 3.0), "Excess Amount" is calculated as follows, depending on the Carried Interest % designated for the fund, cumulative amounts of said Carried Interest actually received ...


When is an Israeli tax representation letter needed?

Top answer:

In certain situations, a fund may require some or all incoming LPs fill out and sign an Israeli tax representation letter. Contributing factors could involve: • The fund manager residing in Israel; • At least some if not all of the LPs r...


I already formed an SPV that's structured as an LLC where I (an individual) am sole advisor to the entity. Do I need to register as an exempt reporting advisor with FINRA?

Top answer:

Being an Exempt Reporting Adviser (ERA) is beneficial because it lets smaller investment managers or those only dealing with venture capital funds skip the heavy paperwork and rules that come with registering with the SEC. This makes run...


Are institutional LPs always willing to sign PACTs? Are there any other types of investors not to send it to?

Top answer:

Institutional LPs typically do not sign PACTs. They also rarely participate in Fund 1s and on 1st closings. Most are prevented by charter from investing in emerging managers and typically engage in Fund 2 and beyond. If you're going to a...


how do i clear AML checks for a US citizen with a FinCEN ID but a very common name that matches 56 people who are on various watchlists ?

It seems impractical to go through each of the 56... many of these watchlists lack identifying info such as birthyear or photo... ?

Top answer:

Your administrator typically has several tools at their disposal for situations like they above. In our case, we would ask for additional details like DOB and we would run them through a product like Parallel Markets (https://parallelmar...


Auto generating first draft of the legal documents

Would there be a functionality within the Decile Hub to auto generate the first draft of some of the key legal documents, such compliance policy or valuation policy, related to the venture capital deals?

Top answer:

Decile Hub currently supports a variety of template agreements for members of Decile Partners, including the Cornerstone LPA, Venture Share for venture partners, and others. Members of Decile Partners have built-in digital signing in a p...


General Solicitation - after close of the Fund

I understand GP can talk about the Fund thesis publicly after the fund is completely closed. What is the case when Fund 1 and Fund 2 thesis are the same and GP will be starting to raise Fund 2 soon?

Top answer:

In this case, you can talk about Fund 1 publically but not Fund 2.

 -  Mike Suprovici

What is the best procedure for offering deal flow directly to LPs? Not co-investments -- but good deals that don’t fit the fund thesis.

Decile Base’s answer goes into... set up an SPV, watch out for conflicts, be sure to offer to all LPs, use your LPAC. All good. But I’d like to know how to specifically avoid conflicts of interest while introducing LPs to a deal we passed on (no SPV, no LPAC yet). This will be a regular occurrence.

Top answer:

Generally speaking, avoiding conflicts of interest when introducing LPs to a deal a Fund has passed on (and where such deal is not within the Fund's thesis), would be accomplished by following these best practices: • Set up the LPAC (thi...


When do I need to file form adv amendments each year for my venture fund?

Top answer:

You must amend your Form ADV each year by filing an annual updating amendment within 90 days after the end of your fiscal year. For best practice, you should have you legal counsel file this amendment for the fund.

 -  Nicholas Bird 1

Why can VC funds not have more than 99 LPs?

Top answer:

Venture Capital Funds can quality for certain exemptions from registering with the SEC as an "Investment Company". Section 3(c)(1) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 provides exemptions for: • private funds with 100 or fewer investors...


template for cash control policy

Hello, we´re looking for templates for the following (couldn´t find any in Decile Base) policies: • Cash control • Privacy • Valuation • Cyber and info security • Code of ethics & personal trading • FCPA (anti-corruption & anti-bribery) • Political contributions

Top answer:

You will need to work with your law firm and fund admin service providers to attain those policies. That being said, VC Lab has developed a valuation policy template for the community. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

Does an investors’ capital commitment change based on the completion of a capital call? Does the fund’s size (on the LPA) limit the maximum total capital investors can commit to the fund?

Question edited for clarity, and with respect to capital commitments and fund size terminology. 

Top answer:

When a capital call is completed, an investor's total capital commitment does not change, but the portion of that investor's committed capital that has been paid into the fund has increased. The fund's size (as described on the LPA) does...


what are level 1, 2, and 3 investments with regards to valuation policy?

"The Valuation Policy has been prepared in the context of FASB Accounting Standards Codification Topic 820 (“ASC 820”), “Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures,” which has been adopted by General Partner for the purposes of valuing the Portfolio Investments of the Fund.  ASC 820 requires that investments be classified as Level 1, 2, or 3 investments. It is anticipated that Level 3 investments will comprise the majority of the Fund’s Portfolio Investments. This Valuation Policy shall be reviewed on an annual basis."

Top answer:

Valuation policies take various approaches. Assuming that you are referring to the VC Lab Valuation Policy, SAFE or a Convertible Note investments will held at cost on the fund's financials until there is a priced round. Upon a priced ro...


In August, the SEC passed new policy for transparency I believe, does this impact our firms?

Excited to join VC Lab in the accelerator, in my preparation I came across recent policy change at the SEC. Does this impact our proceedings at all? Is this something that is already baked into the curriculum with VC Lab. Feel free to just share a link if you already have something written on the topic. 

Top answer:

The new SEC rules will impact new managers. You can learn more about those rules here:  In summary: • All side letters will need to be disclosed to other Limited Partners (...


Delaware exemptions and reporting requirement for 3(c)(1) fund advisors

I understand a 3(c)(1) Qualifying Venture Capital Fund with <$10M in assets and <250 beneficial owners is exempt from reporting and registering with the SEC. However, if the ManCo and GP/LP are all domiciled in Delaware, are there still state-level registration and reporting requirements with the Delaware Securities Division since the fund advisor (i.e. ManCo & GP) is domiciled with a place of business in Delaware? It's my understanding that Delaware only has an exemption for 3(c)(7) fund advisors, not 3(c)(1) advisors (source).

Top answer:

Generally speaking, a fund's domicile is not the same as the fund manager's (advisor's) place of business. It is very rare (I believe I have seen it once) for a fund manager to actually live/work in Delaware (thus potentially necessitati...


A potential LP is a US based C-Corp owned entirely by a Canadian Limited Partnership company. The Onboarding questionnaire has the following question: "Who owns this entity? Please confirm the full legal name, date of birth, and city and country of residence of any individual who owns 25% or more of the entity you are using to invest.". My question is the LP should just inform that the Canadian Limited Partnership is the "owner"?

My question is the LP should just inform that the Canadian Limited Partnership is the "owner"? Or goes upstream ? What to answer if no individual has more than 25% of the Canadian LP? 

Top answer:

“For the Anti Money Laundering portion of the review we are always looking for the underlying individuals. It means that if there are any entities that are owners with 25% or more interest in the LP entity, we will require the name(s) a...


Fund of Funds LP Look-Through

How do Fund of Funds get around the SEC look-through rules for investment companies? Say a FoF has 30-40 LPs and is structured as an LLC, wouldn't the SEC look through the fund entity and count each of the FoF investors as an investor in the fund? If so that would drastically reduce the number of investors they could have on their cap table. 

Top answer:

Generally speaking, venture funds do not structure themselves as LLCs - we typically see the following multi-entity structure for Delaware domiciled funds: • Management Company - LLC • General Partner entity - LLC • Fund - Limited Partne...


How can we ensure compliance with current regulations such as SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation) and Article 9? What are the best practices to start monitoring our portfolio's alignment with these regulations and effectively measure our sustainability impact?

Top answer:

As a general rule of thumb, fund managers avoid domiciling in the EU. Currently, the EU has a complex web of expensive and inefficient regulations that need to be adhered to, burdening fund managers with audits, fees, high taxes, regulat...


Do Fund Managers need to file an 83(b) for acquiring Shares in the ManCo or GP entity (via the ManCo)?

Top answer:

Generally speaking, no - Fund Managers do not need to file an 83(b) election with respect to acquiring Shares in the ManCo or GP entity (via the ManCo). An 83(b) election is only required when acquiring Shares that are subject to vesting...


Will the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) prohibit a venture fund from investing in critical technology areas if a majority of its Limited Partners' funding comes from foreign entities?

Top answer:

Companies in certain critical technologies or other types of industries or geographical proximity to national security matters (i.e., airports, submarine bases) may require investors to represent that the investor is not owned or control...


Trademark / firm name check for BVI

For a crypto firm likely to domicile in BVI, is it recommended to validate the firm name by searching trademarks or similar business names registered only in BVI, or in other countries as well ?

Top answer:

As a general rule, you should validate is the name or a substantially similar name is not being used anywhere for a business in a related field. So, you want to look for more than just a trademark in more locations than just BVI. To star...


How to answer LP questions about GPs not being required to be registered with OSC

I've been told that raising from accredited Ontario Canada investors would subject GPs to the OSC regs. Do I need to register with OSC before launching the fund? I've been told if I am representing myself as a fund and making buy and sell decisions, I'm filing in the role of an investment fund/portfolio manager, which apparently requires registration with the regulator. How do we not have to register with the OSC first before raising capital? Or talking to investors.

Top answer:

*For informational purposes only **Fund managers should avoid any activities which may be construed as providing or interpreting legal tax, or other advice to prospective limited partners.  Question: Does a Canadian fund manager need t...


What is general solicitation?

What is general solicitation?

Top answer:

General solicitation in venture capital refers to publicly advertising or promoting the opportunity to invest into a fund without a substantive pre-existing relationship and the knowledge that the individual is accredited. To avoid issue...


Can an aspiring fund manager speak as an individual instead of on behalf of a Fund (being raised) at a conference or event?

We are invited to a DEI in tech conference as a speaker and the organizer is asking me to speak as the MP of Axent Ventures about immigrant founders. We read the rules about General Solicitation. Shall we totally avoid pronouncing Axent and speak as “Guc” at the event? (event is backed by the state department)? 

Top answer:

Possibly yes - but be careful. A fund manager should avoid mentioning a fund or thesis until the fund has been fully raised and closed.

 -  Mike Suprovici

Can a fund manager (of a fund) be a venture partner for another fund without creating a conflict of interest?

Can we be the fund managers of our own fund and VPs of another (eg. portfolio VPs who simply refer in deals) or is this a conflict of interest?

Top answer:

The situation described is most likely a conflict of interest - but this doesn't guarantee it can't be done. Conflicts of interest are generally disclosed in a Fund's Limited Partner Agreement - and having any roles in other funds almost...

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A fund manager's friend wishes to join the fund (as another fund manager). However this friend is a Vice President-level employee at XYZ company, where XYZ company is in the same general sector as the fund's thesis. Is there any potential conflict of interest to be concerned about?

Conflict of interest??? I have a long time friend and mentor who I have known for 12 years and trust significantly. He is a technology VP level at United Health Group. He could be interested in the GP with me but he is concerned about conflict of interest being my fund is an AI fund focused on the healthcare sector. Is there any potential conflict of interest to be concerned about here? I do not think there is but please help me clarify. I suppose it would be up to him/UHG but wonder if you all can see any potential conflicts?

Top answer:

Possibly - conflicts of interest are situation-specific, so it would be best to dig into the details and consult an experienced fund formation specialist attorney as needed. If, for example, XYZ company has a venture fund and the fund m...


Can I promote my fund on podcasts with crossing the boundaries of general solicitation?

I host 2 podcasts where I have both listeners and guests who could be LPs and/or part of our deal pipeline. What's the best way to communicate my 'fund to be' without crossing any boundaries?

Top answer:

TL:DR - it's difficult, and we always recommend erring on the side of following regulations. Read the following: Here are a few things that you should avoid mentioning just to be saf...


Is it okay to list yourself as a 'Managing Partner' on LinkedIn before your first close?

Is it okay to list yourself as a 'Managing Partner' on LinkedIn before your first close?

Top answer:

You may be able to list yourself as Managing Partner (and ensure that there is no "contact us" anywhere) - however please review the following carefully with respect to general solicitation:


How do LPs feel about fund managers investing their personal money? What kinds of limits are there? What do LPAs usually say?

How do LPs feel about fund managers investing their personal money? What kinds of limits are there? What do LPAs usually say?

Top answer:

A fund manager is a professional money manager and LPs expect them to primarily focus their energy on generating returns for them. LPs are generally not enthused if a fund manager's investing attention is focused otherwise. LPAs are us...


Once the fund is launched, are we good to advertise it and where?

Once the fund is launched, are we good to advertise it and where?

Top answer:

Generally speaking, hard no and nowhere.  A fund usually cannot solicit investors publicly, irrespective of how many closes it has completed. However, a fund can (carefully) do PR to attract entrepreneurs as investment targets for capita...


Can we share our fund's launch journey and VC Lab program participation on LinkedIn?

Are we allowed to share our journey to launching a fund and the fact that we are doing the VC Lab program on LinkedIn?

Top answer:

Generally speaking, participants in VC Lab can say that they are participating in the program and even describe the experience. They cannot disclose their Thesis, nor discuss launching a fund.  See here for more assistance: https://gov...

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How can a fund manager politely reject excessive KYC documentation requests from a portfolio company's corporate secretary?

We have a portfolio company whose corporate secretary is making extremely exhaustive demands for documentation for KYC associated with our investment. We’re talking all our formation docs register of shareholders for the fund UBO details w/ passports photos various SG specific forms. Saying their compliance requires it. In probably 200 investments made I have never had to do this level of KYC. Only a couple ever asked anything. How do y’all handle these annoying requests? Any polite ways of rejecting them.

Top answer:

Generally speaking, for AML, all that is truly required is the full legal name and birthday - for KYC more details and identification documents are typically required.  If a prospective portfolio company wants to be thorough about dilig...

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