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Like the cover! Exploring designs for my first book :books:
Sunday, November 24, 2024
John R How was the book? Most valuable insight?
Hey Khaled good to hear from you my friend. My MV insight from the book is the future doesn't fit in the present day patterns we all know and like. If a lot of people say the premise behind a startup is a good idea, then it's definitely not the future. Maybe the business will work out fine, but it's not going to create the new disruptive future. The best startups find or create a break in the pattern and pull everyone else into that future which almost nobody thought about as realistic. While Maples examines the possibility that the best investments in pre-seed startups are random and leans towards a lack of randomness I'm not convinced and believe there is a good case to make about the randomness of the next big thing....

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