Ask AI
I found the following commentary from James Currier of NFX insightful:

_We are in the final 10 years of venture capital as we have come to know it. A.I. is going to remake the startup industrial complex, from its core. Venture firms will have to remake themselves into a combination of people and A.I._
_Let’s be honest: Much of what a typical venture capitalist does—reading, summarizing, and ranking—is what large language models already do extremely well. Growth-stage VCs will be affected first. That’s where decisions are already made based on data, so it makes sense for A.I. to take over. Seed will be affected last: There’s less data available. Intangible human elements matter most._
_A.I. will ultimately level the playing field among investors, making the market more efficient and lowering alpha, as software has done in relation to stocks and bonds over the last 40 years. But as we’ve seen with hedge funds, the best VC firms will get further ahead with a combination of A.I. and processes that give them sustainable information and operating advantages._

Link to full piece:
4 replies
thanks for sharing, Long Lol then we are in the final 10 years of replacing almost every job other than nuclear fusion scientists haha. Not agreed at all. For instance, will LLMs replace lawyers? No.. Cause the lobby will bring regulations such that an AI cannot have a jurisdiction in that region unless registered. Well, same accounts for almost every job. The richie richs will benefit from the ultimate efficiency of AI but will not replace the human capital. So, the hype sentences or words from those who do not even know how LLMs work do not make sense to me..
I try to pay more attention to the substance of the piece, which makes compelling points. AI will clearly disrupt/transform professions including VC. Editors such as those at Fortune often make the headlines overly sensational to grab people’s attention (and they do).
Friday, September 15, 2023
I agree Long with the main point you posted and thanks for posting, I believe it's a pretty accurate prediction
Wednesday, October 04, 2023
Valuable commentary Long, thanks for sharing. If you, or anyone in this community is using AI tools that improve their productivity as VC’s (aside from Decile Hub!), I’d love to hear what you’re using.

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