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Question: I had a PACT signed (Not using Decile-Hub) and then emailed to me as a PDF. How can I now add the PDF to my Decile-Hub PACT page and get it to reflect in the PACT commitment to show in my total PACT commitment?
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To upload a signed PACT, click on the person's name and upload the file under Files. After uploading, move the file to the "Closing" stage. Note that only people who sign online will appear in this list. If the PACT was signed outside the platform, manual upload will be available in the future.
1 reply
To upload a signed PACT, click on the person's name and upload the file under Files. After uploading, move the file to the "Closing" stage. Note that only people who sign online will appear in this list. If the PACT was signed outside the platform, manual upload will be available in the future.

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