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I'm really enjoying Decile Hub but it can get really slow as I add more contacts to my pipeline. I have a very fast internet connection (500 mbps Up and 500 mbps downs) and a decent computer with 32 MB of RAM but decile hub can get very slow when trying to select leads. Any work around for this?
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Pipelines have been optimized to load much faster now. A pipeline with 1,500 prospects in it should load in about 4 seconds if you have a fast internet connection. As always, please let us know if you have a different experience.
2 replies
Hi Amaete, pipelines were not originally designed to handle more than a hundred prospects, so it's important to optimize their performance. In the meantime, here are a few suggestions: remove prospects in the "Added" stage until you're ready to send them through the process, and remove those in the last/rejected stages who you don't intend to contact again for a while. When you remove someone from a pipeline, their history, comments, and files are retained, and if you add them back in the future, all the old data will return. However, deleting someone from the directory permanently erases all their data.
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
Pipelines have been optimized to load much faster now. A pipeline with 1,500 prospects in it should load in about 4 seconds if you have a fast internet connection. As always, please let us know if you have a different experience.

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