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I would still like the ability to modify the PACT template to request the sender’s birth date and place of birth (City, Country). These are required for our subscription documents and it is a pain to have to continually follow up after the PACT is signed to get this data.
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It is important to note that creating more friction to getting the PACT signed can have an effect on conversion. While the date for AML/KYC is necessary, it typically occurs weeks or months after signing a PACT. The team will discuss this internally and look for ways to implement a feature that can improve the PACT process and increase conversion. The goal is to make the PACT process faster and improve the onboarding experience for LPs by having them fill in as much information as possible in the system.
1 reply
It is important to note that creating more friction to getting the PACT signed can have an effect on conversion. While the date for AML/KYC is necessary, it typically occurs weeks or months after signing a PACT. The team will discuss this internally and look for ways to implement a feature that can improve the PACT process and increase conversion. The goal is to make the PACT process faster and improve the onboarding experience for LPs by having them fill in as much information as possible in the system.

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