I have an existing website for my fund. On that website is a "contact us" form that founders often submit potential deals through. Is there a way to hook up my website to automatically add these deals to my dealflow pipeline?

1 reply

We've got 2 great options for this.
- Instead of having the link on your website go to the "send us a message" url above, you could have it go to your deal submission form. That's a customizable form that drops a deal directly into your dealflow pipeline. You can find that and edit that info under Website -> Forms -> Investment.
(If you don't see this in your navbar, you'll need to click "Navigation settings" and enable "Website".)
2. Use our new Zapier integration. Zapier is a service that connects thousands of disparate services so people can create no code automations. We've created an integration for Zapier to use with Hub. You can find the docs for the Zapier integration here: https://decilehub.com/api/settings
2. Use our new Zapier integration. Zapier is a service that connects thousands of disparate services so people can create no code automations. We've created an integration for Zapier to use with Hub. You can find the docs for the Zapier integration here: https://decilehub.com/api/settings
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