Ask AI
Regarding the LP Pipeline view:

1) My selected new column order on LP pipeline is not sticky. I seem to have to frequently redo the column order.
2) Sorting by stage  seems to always give the same order, even when I try to reverse the order. Added always seem to be on top.
3) I would like to have the option to exclude the "Closed" (aka, rejected) LP stages from the LP pipeline view.
1 reply
Hi Bob, please find the answers to your three questions outlined below:

-1. The column order in your pipeline will stay the same unless you remove / unselect any columns via the gear button on the top right hand corner of the pipeline overview, see screenshot below.

-2. Sorting by stage can go in the reverse order, simply click on STAGE to change the order, see screenshot below.

-3. You can edit / remove this stage by going to Pipelines > Limited Partners > Stages > remove the "Closed [hold]" stage.

Let us know if you have any further questions. Alternatively I am happy to jump on a zoom call with you anytime. Here is my calendly:

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