I am trying to send a Test email and although the message "email sent successfully" appears, I have yet to receive the email to the 2 addresses I used. Both addresses are my regular emails. And I did look into SPAM: it´s not there

7 replies
Thanks for the message Galit. I'm not able to recreate this issue on my side, so I guess we'll need to hop on zoom to figure it out together. If you're available today, let me know a good time (I'm in Pacific time zone) and I'll send a calendar invite with my zoom link.
If it's easier to schedule another time, here's my calendly: https://calendly.com/travis-giggy
If it's easier to schedule another time, here's my calendly: https://calendly.com/travis-giggy

Hi Travis. I am available today, but you are not, according to Calendly

How about now??

I scheduled a meeting for Monday, but I wanted to send my first PACT today, and not miss out on the momentum with the prospect. Please let me know if you can assist me today. I´ve tried sending both a PACT and an Introduction email, and although I get a message that the email was sent successfully, I never get the emails. I used two trial emails: a yahoo and a gmail.

Hi Galit, are you available within the next three hours to jump on a zoom call?

Yes, I am. Please send an invite to gflasterstein@yahoo.com.

Done - I’ve just sent you an invite.
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