Ask AI
I am trying to re-send Decile Pro logins to some LPs. The instructions provided by the AI instruct to click "Re-send Information" from within their entry in their capital account. But this is not an option offered in the Capital account. Where do I re-send them DecilePro login information? 
2 replies
Hi Genevieve, sorry about the wrong answer from the AI. We're working on improving it's accuracy.

You can resend the 4a template in the closing pipeline, "Closing and DecilePro Invite Email". In that email is a hyperlink to decile pro, individualized for the capital account. You can also directly use the "decile_pro_invite_url" variable in an email to provide them with the link:

They need to create an account with an email that matches the Contact for their capital account, so that personalized link from the decile_pro_invite_url pre-fills the email address for them.
Okay great, I found it. I re-sent it and will make sure they use their proper emails, thanks!

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