Ask AI
Hi, I'm part of Ventute Institute Cohort 4. I have a few questions regarding connecting my email for seamless communication as part of Decile hub setup: 
  • Is the expectation here to use our personal email address that we used to sign up for the venture institute program? Or do we need to setup/use another email account for the hypothetical VC firm we created to reflect more closely a work email (rather than personal)? 

  • Since I’ve used my current personal Gmail for sync, I saw some of my personal emails (specifically mostly spam/junk) ending up in the Activities folder.
  1. Privacy concerns – are my personal emails (i.e. whole inbox) fully accessible/visible to anyone on the platform? 
  2. Why are certain emails/spam/junk showing up in the folder and not other primary emails?

Any advice appreciated. Thank you!
2 replies
To connect your email with Decile Hub, it's recommended to use a Gmail or Microsoft account, ideally one that reflects your VC firm for professional communication. Personal emails should not be visible to others on the platform unless you grant access. If spam/junk emails appear in the Activities folder, it may be due to integration settings. Ensure your account is properly configured and consider using a dedicated work email for better privacy and organization.
Monday, March 10, 2025
> Is the expectation here to use our personal email address

I'm not sure of the expectations for Venture Institute. You should speak with the folks running the program about this question.

> Privacy concerns – are my personal emails (i.e. whole inbox) fully accessible/visible to anyone on the platform

Emails are stored encrypted in the database and are only visible to you in your account. If you've granted Decile Admin Assistant access, people who log into your account could click into specific prospects to see emails.

> Why are certain emails/spam/junk showing up in the folder and not other primary emails?

Hub only syncs emails you have given access to. So those emails must match some prospect you have in a pipeline.

👍 1

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