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Issue with Newsletter Feature
Hello, I sent a quarterly newsletter out to my LPs a few weeks ago, and was expecting to see a high number of opens.  Unfortunately, Hub is showing Zero have opened.  The click rate is also surprisingly low.  I have 1 on 1 calls with my LPs this week, and will ask if they've seen this email.  Will circle back if they say they didn't receive the email.

I took a look at the first investment documents I posted to the shared LP folder, and they also are showing Zero views, which is worrisome.

1 reply
Hey  @Eric S. Heinz
, we've got a known issue that popped up about 2 days ago with newsletter opens not displaying. They are being tracked, but the display isn't correct right now. I'll see if I can fix it tomorrow morning.

The clicks and file views are all correct though.

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