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Hi, for email. Its great that you can select multiple people from your pipeline. But its puts all of the folks in the to line. It would nice if we had the option to put them all in the bcc line in bulk.

Also it would be good if you could schedule emails.

These two features would make the email feature so much easier to use and productive.
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Thank you for your feedback! The reason that everyone goes to the "To" line for a bulk email is so that each email will be sent with individual personalization. If you are not personalizing an email, then you can select Send Email via the quick actions button, and then add as many users as you want in the BCC line. Please note when doing this that they will all receive an identical email, meaning it will not be personalized with the names of people who are in BCC. In order to schedule emails, if you click the cell in the Next Actions column for their prospect, you can "Add Task For This Prospect", which you can then configure to be an automatically executed Send Email action. After saving, you should see the task in the Prospect's task list with a "One Off" tag next to it.
2 replies
Thank you for your feedback!

The reason that everyone goes to the "To" line for a bulk email is so that each email will be sent with individual personalization. If you are not personalizing an email, then you can select Send Email via the quick actions button, and then add as many users as you want in the BCC line. Please note when doing this that they will all receive an identical email, meaning it will not be personalized with the names of people who are in BCC.

In order to schedule emails, if you click the cell in the Next Actions column for their prospect, you can "Add Task For This Prospect", which you can then configure to be an automatically executed Send Email action. After saving, you should see the task in the Prospect's task list with a "One Off" tag next to it.
Hey  @Abdul Golden
. Sorry, our AI bot gave an incorrect answer, it's still learning 😅 I have edited it's reply to reflect ways to accomplish what you are looking for. Hope that helps!

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