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Is there a way to automatically send an event reminder the day before and an hour before the scheduled time? 

5 replies
Yes, you can automate sending event reminders in Decile Hub. To do this, navigate to your pipeline, select the stage where you want the email to be sent, add a new task, and set it to send an email. Enable the "Automate this Task" option to ensure the email is sent automatically. You can set the task to be due a day before and an hour before the event.
@Travis Giggy
 Standardizing the reminders and allows them to be sent at strategic times measured as either days, hours, or minutes before an event is a good suggestion.
@James Oliver, Jr.
If you go to the Pipeline view of the event, you can schedule a specific time for an email to be sent out, which could be, for example, the day before. We should make this easier to do.
Hey  @Adeo Ressi
, I'm not seeing how to do that from the pipeline view. 

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