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It would be very beneficial to potentially get answers or working solutions for the following two questions: 

1. Is there a way to automatically synchronize files between an internal Google Drive structure and Decile Hub’s file structure? Specifically, can we set up a self-updating system where the latest versions of documents are automatically reflected in Decile Hub whenever changes are made in Google Drive?

2. How does the access control system work for files uploaded to Decile Hub? If files are uploaded from a Google Drive with restricted access, does Decile Hub maintain these access restrictions, or is there a separate method to manage and control access within Decile Hub?

Thank you very much for your help. 
💡 1
1 reply
Hey there!

1. This is an interesting idea! We don't currently have a way to do this automatically. That being said, we are currently working on API's and are very close to having a Zapier integration ready for People, Organization, and Pipeline Prospect creation. I imagine that if we created a Files API, it would be fairly straightforward to also create a Zapier integration that could connect Google Drive to our API. We'll keep you posted if we decide to implement this!

2. Decile Hub's File system has its own permissions system which allows you to either make a Data Room public, viewable only to specific people, or viewable to all people in pipeline or pipeline stage.

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