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my Decilehub plugin is not working properly. I am getting the following error message "Your Chrome extension is properly configured. No person was found on this page. Please navigate to a web page with a person's details and relaunch the extension." when I try to install LPs
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For anybody else who runs across this problem: There was a conflicting chrome plugin which was preventing the Hub extension from retrieving the content of the web page. If you get a similar message, try disabling your other chrome plugins, re-open the browser, and try again.
4 replies
Sometimes if you try to launch the extension for the first time on a page that was already loaded before it was configured will trigger this message. Try opening the page you're looking at in a new tab and then launch the extension again. 

Hi Travis,

I tried opening the page on a new window and still, it is not working.

If you're available this afternoon we can hop on zoom and I'll take a look. I will send you an email directly.
For anybody else who runs across this problem: There was a conflicting chrome plugin which was preventing the Hub extension from retrieving the content of the web page. If you get a similar message, try disabling your other chrome plugins, re-open the browser, and try again.

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