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Also - I inserted a hyperlink and said click on 'this link' <- I inserted into that text, but it actually inserted the hyperlink behind half of another word later in the sentence. 
Should I not use hyperlinking? 
3 replies
Hi Matthew, if you can replicate that error, I'd love to hop on zoom with you and see what's going on. This is a new one for me. My guess is that you had accidentally highlighted part of another word before clicking the hyperlink icon?
Hey @Travis Giggy
- I know, right... I nearly didn't message because I assumed the same.

In the screenshot you can see that it's just 'binding a' that's hyperlinked, which is weird -- I wouldn't have marked half of two words.
Never say never, but I like to think I'm good at marking the right text 😆 (I marked 'this link' earlier in the sentence) and I checked and checked again before hitting send.
I'll see if it happens again and will try to remember to take a screenshot beforehand...

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