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How does Email Automation work?
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• A lot of the emails that come preconfigured have automation already enabled inside of them. And what automation allows is that when somebody does an action, they are changed to a particular stage. For example when one of your LPs signs the PACT they are moved to the 'Pact Signed [Hold]' stage.  • Email templates are set up for every pipeline, and some of the email templates have automation enabled. Anything that is of a type of URL variable will automatically show up at the bottom of the email template overview in the 'AUTOMATION LINKS' section. • So for example whatever content is replaced for [global.vclab_url] If somebody clicks on it they will be automatically moved to the stage that is selected in the drop-down menu called 'change stage on click' or not if you choose '==Do Nothing=='.  • To test things you can: •  1. Add yourself as a prospect in the pipeline of your choosing • 2. Then send the email template in which you have set up the email automation.  • 3. Once you receive the email, open it and make sure to open the link from the email in an incognito window.  • 4. Go back to Hub, refresh the screen, and see that the prospect has moved to the stage that you selected it to be automated.         Here is a video tutorial about email automation:
1 reply
  • A lot of the emails that come preconfigured have automation already enabled inside of them. And what automation allows is that when somebody does an action, they are changed to a particular stage. For example when one of your LPs signs the PACT they are moved to the 'Pact Signed [Hold]' stage. 
  • Email templates are set up for every pipeline, and some of the email templates have automation enabled. Anything that is of a type of URL variable will automatically show up at the bottom of the email template overview in the 'AUTOMATION LINKS' section.
  • So for example whatever content is replaced for [global.vclab_url] If somebody clicks on it they will be automatically moved to the stage that is selected in the drop-down menu called 'change stage on click' or not if you choose '==Do Nothing=='. 
  • To test things you can:
    •  1. Add yourself as a prospect in the pipeline of your choosing
    • 2. Then send the email template in which you have set up the email automation. 
    • 3. Once you receive the email, open it and make sure to open the link from the email in an incognito window. 
    • 4. Go back to Hub, refresh the screen, and see that the prospect has moved to the stage that you selected it to be automated.
        Here is a video tutorial about email automation:

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