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Can I use variables to automatically add files from my Folders (read: Data Rooms)?
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Yes. We show it with one of the most used variables, deck_url. To use this variable to pull your deck: • Go to the Folder (read: Data Room) with your deck, and find the deck itself.  • Click on the paper clip symbol on the right of the deck file's name and click ''copy File URL to share''. It will copy its link to share it.  • Go to the Variables (on the left-hand-side panel under Settings > Variables) and find the deck_url variable. Paste the copied deck link into the Value field and click the Save button.  From now on, whenever you send an email with deck_url variable it will automatically pull the deck from your Data Room (the one you copied the link to).
1 reply
Yes. We show it with one of the most used variables, deck_url. To use this variable to pull your deck:
  • Go to the Folder (read: Data Room) with your deck, and find the deck itself. 
  • Click on the paper clip symbol on the right of the deck file's name and click ''copy File URL to share''. It will copy its link to share it. 
  • Go to the Variables (on the left-hand-side panel under Settings > Variables) and find the deck_url variable. Paste the copied deck link into the Value field and click the Save button. 
From now on, whenever you send an email with deck_url variable it will automatically pull the deck from your Data Room (the one you copied the link to).

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