Ask AI
hi, first time user here. When my GP sent himself the test PACT , it went out showing that the email is from me. Is there a setting that I need to change?
1 reply
Hi Alia, the PACT email template automatically sends from the Account Owner since you are the account owner. However, the majority of our email templates are from Assigned User (or Account Owner). You have two options: 1. If you want emails to default come from Sameh, we can make some database changes to make Sameh the owner of the account. 2. You could use a strategy that many dual-GPs use and that is to assign each prospect before emailing. We have updated Sameh to be the owner of the account, so default communications should come from him. Also, regarding assigning prospects, the "Assignee" column is on the right side of any pipeline views. That column holds a dropdown for assigning prospects to team members.

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