Ask AI
Just like we have the Investment Inquiry form, is there a way to add additional forms for external folk to fill in, which can go in same or other pipelines? The usecases I’m looking at are people just pinging for a chat (e.g. wannapreneurs, senior executives) or bankers pitching a deal. Want to keep the main form strictly for founders.
1 reply
Hi Ankur, thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, we currently have nothing on the roadmap to build the feature you are looking for. However, there is a "contact us" option on the public page that can send you an email notification, although it won't add to any pipeline. We have left some of the basic info fields not-editable, such as the country/region field. If you have any feedback on what edits you would like to make to the field, please let us know. Your suggestion would be useful for recruiting.

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