For the PACT landing page to properly display the uploaded image, it is highly recommended that the photo is 960x800 pixels (4:3 aspect ratio). Any resolution outside of these parameters may cause the image to display poorly on the PACT landing page.
To address the issue of your PACT landing page photo being cut off, you can edit the image through the PACT Content tab in the PACT Settings. Ensure the image dimensions are appropriate for the display area. If the problem persists, try uploading a transparent PNG or adjust the image size to fit the designated space better.
will you please have a look at this? It seems as if the photo is not the recommended resolution, but perhaps we can do a better job of handling non-standard sizes.
For the PACT landing page to properly display the uploaded image, it is highly recommended that the photo is 960x800 pixels (4:3 aspect ratio). Any resolution outside of these parameters may cause the image to display poorly on the PACT landing page.
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