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General VC Questions

Ask anything about venture capital, and there will likely be an answer. Sometime there is no answer, and you may need to consult a professional. The training data is growing every day, which will help the system answer even more questions in the future.

Is Pursuing Broker-Dealer Licenses (Series 7, 62, 63, 65, 79, 82) Over 5-10 Years Beneficial for My Career?

Would it be to my benefit to go for broker dealer licenses with respect to securities such as the following? Series 7 62 63 65 79 and 82. This is not something in the next 12 months but to get over the next 5-10 years. What would this enable me to do and is it a pathway worth exploring?

Top answer:

It’s not worth your time. The return on invest is just not there. Besides, if you’re going to get this fund off the ground, you will probably not have time for this anyway.

 -  Mike Suprovici

What are the visa options for a Singaporean on H1B to set up and work full-time in a US fund?

Hi all I've a question I'm really hoping someone can help me with. I'm an international person in the US (singaporean) previously on a student F1 visa. I recently took a consulting gig to get a work visa and am now on H1B. What are the options to be able to set up the fund and work under the fund as my full time job? My understanding is that neither H1B nor E2 visa apply to a fund. Is this true? If so what are the alternative options?

Top answer:

Decile Launch does not cover US visa options. Your best bet is to hire a good immigration attorney. With that said, I am sure that there are some people in the community that can share some of their experiences. From a logistics standpo...

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