How are growth opportunities typically structured for VC firms?
How are growth opportunities typically structured for VC firms?
How are growth opportunities typically structured for VC firms?
Would it be to my benefit to go for broker dealer licenses with respect to securities such as the following? Series 7 62 63 65 79 and 82. This is not something in the next 12 months but to get over the next 5-10 years. What would this enable me to do and is it a pathway worth exploring?
How should I respond to questions sent to me by PitchBook about the specifics of my investment firm and certain investments I made? Can PitchBook be useful once the fund is formed?
For those sending out newsletters, should we archive all of our editions? If so, where?
Should we mention only our personal track records or it could be a common answer from the whole fund team in question #4 about our track records of past deals?
Hi all I've a question I'm really hoping someone can help me with. I'm an international person in the US (singaporean) previously on a student F1 visa. I recently took a consulting gig to get a work visa and am now on H1B. What are the options to be able to set up the fund and work under the fund as my full time job? My understanding is that neither H1B nor E2 visa apply to a fund. Is this true? If so what are the alternative options?