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What are LPs looking for in emerging fund managers in this current market environment?

Hi everyone - as we all know, the venture fundraising scene has changed dramatically in the last year or so due to market conditions, global volatility/conflicts, interest rate growth, and so forth, In the future, after I get some experience under my belt, I do envision myself raising a fund. With that being said, and assuming the market environment remains as-is for the foreseeable future, has anyone observed what LPs are looking for in emerging fund managers amidst the existing fundraising climate? If anyone has heard directly from LPs, that would be great insight as well! 
1 answer
Accepted Answer
Jul 21, 2023
Good to know! Kudos to the VC Lab accelerator participants for crushing on fundraising! I agree; the media/tech journalists tend to be of the doom-and-gloom type. I have heard that some LPs are doubling down and expanding their venture allocation to take advantage of the cooled-down valuations, but again, not sure how objective that is, if that's largely thesis-driven, etc.. 
Community Member
Jul 21, 2023 2:34am
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