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location of the VC fund as per VC Lab template - what if the team is distributed?

  • Question to VC Lab faculty and all: what if the GP team (3 partners) are residing in the following places: one in San-Francisco, the second in London, the third in Miami. Just to remind everyone, the template thesis as per VC Lab model assumes in the Country/City section that the whole GP team lives in one single location and does not seem to encompass the possibility of a distributed team of GPs and investment managers. This is how is is described in the curriculum article ( [Country / City] This is the city or country where the New Managers are living or plan to live while running the fund. Now, most funds have a life of at least 10 years, so make sure to pick a city or country where you and your fellow New Managers plan to be for some time. In addition, if you are living in a large country, then it is better to specify a city or region. “East Coast” is better than the United States.

1 answer
Accepted Answer
Jul 01, 2023

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