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Does decile hub gmail integration pull in emails that were sent via gmail?

I have decile hub integration into gmail. I see that i can send emails via decilehub. But it's unclear if decile hub is capturing emails that are sent to contacts when I send that email outside decilehub and instead natively through my linked gmail account.

I have examples where the email is captured by decile hub and correctly linked to the contact. But in other situations it seems not to work. It definitely doesn't work if I send the email in Gmail first and then next add the contact into decilehub.

Two questions.
1. What is the intended behavior here so I can understand?
2. Ideally, decilehub would use the gmail integration and would pull in all communication into the user record in decilehub regardless if the email was sent via decilehub or via gmail directly

1 answer
Decile Base AI
Feb 17, 2025

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