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I noticed that some of the emails sent through decile hub are ending up in spam folders. Can't say I've ever noted this happening to me in the recent past, and I'm not certain decile hub had anything to do with it, but thought I'd share the observation.
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It is highly recommended that you connect a Gmail or Microsoft account to send emails directly through your own email account and prevent them from going to spam. Modifying the template email content may also help keep them out of the spam box. Our emails are intentionally generic, so making changes to the content wouldn't hurt in any scenario.
1 reply
It is highly recommended that you connect a Gmail or Microsoft account to send emails directly through your own email account and prevent them from going to spam. Modifying the template email content may also help keep them out of the spam box. Our emails are intentionally generic, so making changes to the content wouldn't hurt in any scenario.

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