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Jeremy, Jon and 3 others are all employees of our firm but for some reason, only Jon (see screenshot) does not show up with a “TEAM MEMBER” icon in the People Database. I’ve even deleted Jon and re-added him and relinked him to the firm, but it’s the same. Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks a lot.
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Hi Jeremy, if you haven't already, please add your team members via your Users page. This will automatically add them to the People database. If you've already added them to the People database, I suggest deleting them from there before adding them to the Users page.[temp_image_support.jpg]
1 reply
Hi Jeremy, if you haven't already, please add your team members via your Users page. This will automatically add them to the People database. If you've already added them to the People database, I suggest deleting them from there before adding them to the Users page.

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