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I would like to send information about new deal to all members within the organization each time new company is created. Would love to assign multiple detail regarding new prospect, including deck as attachement.

Is it possible to do it now?
Top replies
Yes, you can add the link to your deck in your email template as a variable. Please find below a breakdown of how that is done with one of the most used variables: deck_url.  • To use this variable to pull your deck, go to the Data Room / Folder with your deck, and find the deck itself.  • Then click on the paperclip symbol on the right of the deck file's name and click "Copy file URL to share". It will copy its link to share it.  • Then, go to the Variables section in Hub, which you can find on the left-hand-side panel under "Settings" and look for the deck_url variable.  • Now paste the copied deck link into the Value field and click the Save button.  From now on, whenever you are sending an email with for example the deck_url variable it will automatically pull the deck from your Data Room / Folder (the one you copied the link to). Here is an Arcade Video Tutorial:
1 reply
Yes, you can add the link to your deck in your email template as a variable. Please find below a breakdown of how that is done with one of the most used variables: deck_url. 

  • To use this variable to pull your deck, go to the Data Room / Folder with your deck, and find the deck itself. 
  • Then click on the paperclip symbol on the right of the deck file's name and click "Copy file URL to share". It will copy its link to share it. 
  • Then, go to the Variables section in Hub, which you can find on the left-hand-side panel under "Settings" and look for the deck_url variable. 
  • Now paste the copied deck link into the Value field and click the Save button. 

From now on, whenever you are sending an email with for example the deck_url variable it will automatically pull the deck from your Data Room / Folder (the one you copied the link to).

Here is an Arcade Video Tutorial:

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