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Hey Sayeed, please find my feedback below:

  • Well done covering growth in net tech employment but it would be great to compare this to national growth figures as well.
  • Instead of just mentioning that certain initiatives were for marginalized businesses, consider specifying how they were supported or benefited.
  • Arizona's Quality Jobs Tax Credit, Foreign Trade Zones (FTZ), etc.: For each of these initiatives, try to provide metrics or tangible outcomes that showcase their effectiveness.
  • Including expert opinions, interviews, or testimonials (even secondary sources from funded startups or investors who invested with government support) could provide an additional layer of depth to your research.
  • Partnerships with Universities: Elaborate on successful collaborations or startups that emerged from these partnerships

This is really great! The work you've put into it is really extensive. I think apart from what Bakul said, all that's left is to add an executive summary in the beginning and you're done.
Sunday, September 24, 2023
It would be nice if your conclusion summarized perhaps commonalities of the different initiatives that were successful, or common trends

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