Can the currency display be changed from $ to INR?
Can the currency display be changed from $ to INR?
1.I would like to add Select input for a question(Drop Down) in Investment enquiry form, But i dont find any option to do so when i create a new question. Kindly guide me on this
2. I would like to add Select input and file upload option for questions in Pact Form, As we have to collect KYC documents from LP's and Investors while onboarding them as per Indian Governmental compliance. But i dont find any option to do so when i create a new question. Kindly guide me on this
3, Also the decimal Seperators for currency is incorrect in all the places. Kindly rectify it
For point 3. There can be commas ,but the seperation of digits in currency is wrong. For example INR 1,00,00,00,000 should be written like this ,but instead it's mentioned as 1000,000,000. Like wise for all other occurances of Currency.
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