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how do you delete tasks that you have completed in a different way?

5 replies
Hi Kari, would you mind clarifying what you mean with “deleting tasks you have completed in another way”? Alternatively we can jump on a zoom call to discuss this further, my calendly link is:
Use case: 
  • I advance person to the Outreach stage, and an automated task is generated (usually an email)
  • They reach out and ask for coffee (thereby negating the email need to advance them forward) OR, the exchange happens over LinkedIn
  • I have now completed the task outside of DecileHub, but I can't figure out how to delete the outstanding task
To delete a task for a prospect in Decile Hub, follow these steps:

Navigate to the respective pipeline and find the prospect associated with the task.

Navigate to the column called 'Next Task' and click on the task right below it.

Now navigate to the 'Edit Stage tasks' section in the top right hand corner and click on it.

Here, you will see a list of all the tasks associated with the prospect. Find the task you want to delete and click on the 'trash' icon and then confirm by clicking on the red 'Delete task' button, this will delete the task.

Let us know if you have any further questions.
Hi Kari,

I think you may be looking for the "Skip" task option. In your tasks view for the prospect, on the right side there is a 3-dot menu, which has the ability to skip a task. Would this work in this case?
Thursday, January 11, 2024
Perfect - I had totally missed the 3 dots until now. Thanks!

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