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I am unable to save non-US phone numbers in my Decile Hub Prospect base. I choose the correct area code, include the number and save, but after the message of Info has been saved appears, if I go back to the prospect, the info is not there.

I am trying to include phone numbers from Latin America.
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Unfortunately I couldn't manage to replicate this error when adding numbers for these specific countries in my own sandbox account, would you mind jumping on a quick zoom call with me today or tomorrow? Here is my calendly link:
3 replies
Hi Galit, to assist with troubleshooting, could you please specify the Latin American countries' phone numbers you're trying to save for your prospects? Thank you.
Sure: Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama
Unfortunately I couldn't manage to replicate this error when adding numbers for these specific countries in my own sandbox account, would you mind jumping on a quick zoom call with me today or tomorrow? Here is my calendly link:

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