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Is there a way to add a follow-up task + notification for a contact? E.g. add a reminder to follow up with John Doe on 5/6/24 with email reminder to be delivered that day. Thanks!
2 replies
Yes, you can set up a follow-up task in Decile Hub. While the platform doesn't offer in-platform notifications, you can create tasks within a specific stage to serve as email reminders. You can automate these tasks so that you receive an email alert when a contact reaches the designated stage. However, there's currently no feature to set a specific future date for the reminder.
@Mike Chan
 to expand on the AI response above. If you click on the Quick Note cell in your pipeline you will be shown an optional action to add a reminder date below the note field. 

This would allow you to set up an individual task to John Doe due on 05/6/24 with the task being the note you wrote.

This will then put "Next Contact Date" as 05/06/24

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