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I have selected a bunch of people in LPs to email but the Send Email option is greyed out.

5 replies
The "Send Email" option in Decile Hub may be greyed out if you've reached the daily limit of 500 emails, or if you've selected more than 50 prospects at a time. Try reducing the number of selected prospects or wait until the next day if you've reached the daily limit. If the issue persists, it may be a technical problem and you should contact Decile Hub support.
☝️ 1
It was limit of 50.  You need to have a message showing explaining reason or a tool tip or something.  Otherwise looks like a weird bug - this doesn't work but everything else does, maybe email integration is broken or something...
💯 1
Friday, May 17, 2024
I seem to have a hidden stage. As you can see below, Warm Outreach is in the list of stages I could move to but not in the list of stages in this pipeline.  Something is wrong here. 

Thanks for sharing Michel, we will look into it.

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