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Hi - looking to download all of our notes into a CSV file. Can someone help me out please?
4 replies
Currently, the option to download all notes at once into a CSV file may not be available on the platform you're using. You might have to download them individually. However, this feature could be on the product roadmap for future updates. If you're still having trouble, it would be best to reach out to the platform's support team for further assistance.
Hi Olivia, have you already tried exporting the information, from your respective pipeline that include these notes, via the “import/export” button in the top right hand corner of your screen?
I have tried exporting via the pipeline and the latest note is not included in the download. I'm also looking for historical notes

Hi Olivia, my apologies, this is something we will need to improve on our end. I have added the export of notes via a csv file to our list of product feature requests.

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