Ask AI
Hi, we are enrolled in Cohort 15th, but I think we signed up into DecileHub using some other kind of Invitation Code, likely during one of the demo sessions, before Cohort15 started  - does it matter? We don't see the Introductions channel... The link we got to the channel gives an error message - "you are not authorized to access this page". How do we link our DecileHub instance back to Cohort15? We already set up a number of LPs and have signed PACTs in the system, we would not want to start over... Please help! 
Thank you!
6 replies
Thursday, June 27, 2024
Hi Jane,  @Javier Sanchez Aldana
 and I have exactly the same problem, I'm not able to access the intros page, is it possible to fix it for us too? thanks!
Friday, June 28, 2024
@Francisco Ruiz Izaguirre
 - You should be able to access the introductions page now, please try again and let us know how it goes.
Hi, I can now access, thanks!
Thursday, July 04, 2024
Hi, I am also having this problem. Can you fix it for me as well?
Friday, July 05, 2024
Hello , 
I have the same problem . It keeps saying that you are not authorised to use this page . Is there anything wrong with this?

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