For Events -- Inviting people to attend: Is the only way to do that via "Add Prospect"? That seems like a redundant step that should be unnecessary step if I've already got the person on Hub under the LPs section. How can I instead (more efficiently) invite Prospects who are already in my "Manage LPs" list? The only emails I see available in that pulldown are the regular CRM-process emails -- not Event emails. Is there a way to do that, so I can simply click Send Email - and then choose an Event invite as the email from the pulldown?
UPDATE: I thought I had perhaps found a partial way: Don't do Event invites via the Events section; instead, do it from the LP section -- which I see DOES have ONE Event email -- the custom template I created -- listed first in that pulldown. (However, none of the other standard Event email templates are in the LP's pulldown list. So my question above still stands.) But I now think this was an anomaly, or a bug, because I cannot duplicate that. I've opened other LPs pulldown choices and those do NOT have the Event invite email at the top as a choice:
Hi Robert, First, some vocab to clarify: A "prospect" means an object in a "pipeline". Your Investor pipeline is likely where you've got many of your potential investors and thus invitees, we also create a pipeline for each event so that you can manage attendees and their communications, regardless of where else they might be in your account.
To invite multiple people from another pipeline, you can select multiple of them from your investor pipeline, and click "Copy To", and copy them to the event. (Note: You can only invite people to an event, so if you select any organizations that are in your Investor pipeline, the event pipeline won't show).
This feedback points out we can probably have a better way to invite people to an event, maybe something from within the event page itself. Thanks for this feedback!
Good -- you're welcome. But I don't see where/how to "Copy to". Can you show me a screen shot - and list the several steps after that (presumably, once I go over to the Events section and want to add or copy-paste them)?
Sure, here's a screenshot. I'm in my Fundraising/Investors pipeline (sorry I referred it to "Investors" above, that's some outdated nomenclature). If you select multiple prospects, the third option in the bulk actions will be "Copy To", which should allow you to copy to the event.
Just following up to see: Are you going to add this new functionality: <<...we can probably have a better way to invite people to an event, maybe something from within the event page itself.>> ? If so, when? I want to know because I'm about to start inviting TONS of people to my next online event.
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