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Hi there - can I change the currency in the PACT so that it's not USD? 
I've had a look around in settings but can't see it...
10 replies
P.S. I searched Base and it said, "Yes, you can change the currency to GBP on Decile Hub. However, you cannot do it yourself; you need to contact Decile Hub support to request this change for your account."

I'll be having USD and GBP investors so would love one USD PACT and one GBP PACT - is that possible?
For consistency, we only set currency at the Account level, and changing currency will not attempt to convert existing PACTs to the other currency via an exchange rate, it will just change the currency. This means that if you have a PACT signed for 100 USD it'll just change to 100 GBP. Edit: To be clear, it will not change the existing signed PACT document at all.

We can change the currency for you, but it will affect all PACTs and amounts in your account.
👍 1
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
I think I ought to keep it in USD in that case. 
💯 1
I guess this is perhaps a case for having a Notion form or TypeForm for the GBP people then I can upload them to DecileBase when they're signed? 
Yes, that is an option.

That being said - and I'm just a software engineer, so this isn't my area of expertise - it is unusual to have a fund with multiple different currencies. I know this has come up before, and Mike has suggested standardizing on just one. I also know that VC isn't always nice and squared away so maybe that won't work for you, but if you haven't, I'd bring it up with them or post a question in one of the question channels about it.
Thanks  @Houston Searcy
- when you say, 'everywhere' what other parts does it change apart from the PACT? Just want to make sure I understand where else currency is used. 
Many thanks. 
Thursday, October 31, 2024
Just anywhere where currency is referenced in Hub, which would be PACTs, investment amount data for LPs, and Fund Admin if you end up using our back office tooling.

If you are sure you're going to be fundraising in GBP, then it's the correct move to change it now and is simple for us to change, I just want to be sure that's the case 😁

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