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What happens when I close the Deal Memo?
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Closing the Deal Memo leads to the Deal Memo being created inside the Deal Memo Data Rooms called Deal Folders, which can be found under Files > Deal Folders. Afterwards, you can share the Deal Memo with whomever you wish. In addition, after the Deal memo has been closed, all other team members receive an email notification about it. Teammates who have not yet completed their own scores, cannot see other's scores until they enter their scores to prevent bias in scoring.  You can Close the Deal Memo by going to Dealflow > Deals > Deal Memos, opening the desired Deal Memo, and clicking the white Close Deal Memo button above the Deal Memo progress bar. 
1 reply
Closing the Deal Memo leads to the Deal Memo being created inside the Deal Memo Data Rooms called Deal Folders, which can be found under Files > Deal Folders. Afterwards, you can share the Deal Memo with whomever you wish. In addition, after the Deal memo has been closed, all other team members receive an email notification about it. Teammates who have not yet completed their own scores, cannot see other's scores until they enter their scores to prevent bias in scoring. 

You can Close the Deal Memo by going to Dealflow > Deals > Deal Memos, opening the desired Deal Memo, and clicking the white Close Deal Memo button above the Deal Memo progress bar. 

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