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How can I import people to a Directory or a Pipeline?
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The import tool can be used to bring in your connections from external sources.  There are two places you can import people into:  1. You can go to Directory > People, and you then click on Import/Export in the top right-hand corner of your screen. You can now import people by selecting a CSV file with the prospects you want to import from here, by clicking on the green button called 'Choose file'. Anybody you import from there will show up in your people directory.  2. Now if you would like to import people into a specific pipeline. For example the Limited Partners pipeline, you can click on that pipeline and you will again see the Import/Export button in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. They will be directly imported into that particular pipeline, in this case, the Limited Partners pipeline and the People Directory. The difference is that if you are importing the people in only the People Directory, they are not necessarily added to any pipeline. However, if you import directly from a pipeline, everybody that you import will be added to this pipeline and also the People Directory.          For a step-by-step video tutorial go to:
1 reply
The import tool can be used to bring in your connections from external sources. 

There are two places you can import people into: 
  1. You can go to Directory > People, and you then click on Import/Export in the top right-hand corner of your screen. You can now import people by selecting a CSV file with the prospects you want to import from here, by clicking on the green button called 'Choose file'. Anybody you import from there will show up in your people directory. 
  2. Now if you would like to import people into a specific pipeline. For example the Limited Partners pipeline, you can click on that pipeline and you will again see the Import/Export button in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. They will be directly imported into that particular pipeline, in this case, the Limited Partners pipeline and the People Directory.
The difference is that if you are importing the people in only the People Directory, they are not necessarily added to any pipeline. However, if you import directly from a pipeline, everybody that you import will be added to this pipeline and also the People Directory. 
For a step-by-step video tutorial go to:

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