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How can I paste a name and email address into the smartbox to quickly create a person, organization, or prospect?
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• Click on "Add Prospect" for one of your pipelines.  • If for example, you have received an email from someone you want to add as a prospect in one of your pipelines, just copy the email address (plus first and last name from the same field) and paste it under 'name' when you add a prospect. • Then click on "+Add Person". • Finish by clicking on "Add prospect". • Now the first name, last name, and email address are all stored under 'person info'.
1 reply
  • Click on "Add Prospect" for one of your pipelines. 
    • If for example, you have received an email from someone you want to add as a prospect in one of your pipelines, just copy the email address (plus first and last name from the same field) and paste it under 'name' when you add a prospect.
  • Then click on "+Add Person".
  • Finish by clicking on "Add prospect".
  • Now the first name, last name, and email address are all stored under 'person info'.

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