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How can I filter by assigned teammate and only show the people and organizations that are assigned to a specific teammate?
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In order to filter by assigned team members: • Go to the appropriate pipeline. • Look at the "ASSIGNED" column. You might need to scroll to the right.  • You can see that it says "Showing All". If you select the drop down menu, you will be able to see all the team mates who are assigned to users. Once you pick a team mate, you will see all the people and organizations assigned to that teammate.  Here is a Video tutorial:
1 reply
In order to filter by assigned team members:
  • Go to the appropriate pipeline.
  • Look at the "ASSIGNED" column. You might need to scroll to the right. 
  • You can see that it says "Showing All". If you select the drop down menu, you will be able to see all the team mates who are assigned to users. Once you pick a team mate, you will see all the people and organizations assigned to that teammate.

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