A suggestion for the sidebar menu in the Hub: When you click on the funnel icon on the left to see the different Pipelines, it'd be great to add in that sub-menu a link to the LP Closing Pipeline. Currently, it takes multiple clicks to navigate to the LP Closing Pipeline page. It'd be handy to have a link to it under the Pipelines sub-menu (you can still keep the LP Closing Pipeline under Capital Accounts, but it'd be good to have faster way to get there via Pipelines - or at least it could be a first-level link in the Firm Admin menu).
Great news! Jukka, your Closing pipeline is now viewable in the left nav. Simply refresh your page and you should see it. Additionally, based on feedback, we have enabled this feature for all Decile Launch and Decile Partners clients automatically. You should now see "Closing" in your left nav. Thank you for the suggestion!
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