What can be the different components of the Liability section in the balance sheet of a fund’s account?
The cost of investment is $25,000 and Fair Market Value is $100,000. But the unrealized gains in the report is $125,000, rather it should be $75,000.
Fund I has no reserves and is investing in Seed stage. In future, I hope to establish a Fund II with follow-on reserves, investing in Seed plus Series A. If I get pro rata rights from my investments in Fund I, can I use those rights to invest using the new Fund II?
This question came up as it tied together several common themes, including the overall success rate of emerging funds (i.e, a fund that failed will not reach profitability), fund model between distributed/concentrated/hybrid, capital deployment, and liquidity events. At the same time, emerging funds have shown the ability to outperform, so I would love to learn more about when they are able to reach profitability and greatly reduce risk while retaining upside.
On the Statement of Assets on Decile Hub, under Investor's Capital, I see Capital Contributions - Limited Partners. Where would GP commit show up on the financials? Would it be under Assets but not under Investor's Capital? Is there a separate line item for GP commit?
why the total cost, FMV and Unrealized Gain/Loss for each PortCo in Cohort 3 Investments do not add up?
Under investments tab of back office there is the option to see investments under Schedule or Investments or Cap Adjusted tabs. Conceptually what is the difference between these two and are there any predictable relationships that always apply?
Regarding vesting schedules, % of the company, Key People considered, at which point in the startup's development it should be defined.
Decile Base Answer: I can't confidently answer this question, please start a new Decile Base post to have this question answered.
The current answer includes a task from the Step 2 assignment of Sprint 8 for the Venture Institute program. I'm not sure if it is there due to an error, but it shouldn't be there.