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What can be the different components of the Liability section in the balance sheet of a fund’s account?

Top answer:

The Liability section in the balance sheet of a fund’s account can include various components such as: - Management Fee Payable - Legal formation fees - State domicile filing fees - Blue Sky Fees - Form ADV Filing - Annual Tax Preparati...


I generated the annual report on Decile Group (Back Office section) , but by some reason it does not appear as a downloaded material. Where can I download it?

Top answer:

under back office > Fund Overview Click "Generate a Report" This pops up a modal with what reports to generate as well as a list of all reports that have been generated.  This list of all generated reports is where you can download usi...


Why is unrealized gain/loss in schedule of investments calculated by adding the cost and fair market value in the annual report?

The cost of investment is $25,000 and Fair Market Value is $100,000. But the unrealized gains in the report is $125,000, rather it should be $75,000.

Top answer:

It's calculated by taking the difference between the FMV and Cost of the investment.

 -  Rob Del Prete 0

If I make an investment in Fund I with no follow-on reserves, can I follow on that investment in Fund II using the pro rata rights from Fund I?

Fund I has no reserves and is investing in Seed stage.  In future, I hope to establish a Fund II with follow-on reserves, investing in Seed plus Series A.  If I get pro rata rights from my investments in Fund I, can I use those rights to invest using the new Fund II? 

Top answer:

The best practice is to offer that pro-rata to fund 1 LPs first via SPVs. Next, bring the investment to your LPAC to clear any conflicts. Then, make the investment. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

When does an emerging fund typically reach profitability?

This question came up as it tied together several common themes, including the overall success rate of emerging funds (i.e, a fund that failed will not reach profitability), fund model between distributed/concentrated/hybrid, capital deployment, and liquidity events. At the same time, emerging funds have shown the ability to outperform, so I would love to learn more about when they are able to reach profitability and greatly reduce risk while retaining upside. 


On a VC Fund's financial statements, where would the GP commit show up?

On the Statement of Assets on Decile Hub, under Investor's Capital, I see Capital Contributions - Limited Partners. Where would GP commit show up on the financials? Would it be under Assets but not under Investor's Capital? Is there a separate line item for GP commit?

Top answer:

There is a separate line item for the GP commit labelled Capital Contributions - General Partners.

 -  Rob Del Prete 0

Can you explain the importance and function of Most Favorite Nation regarding updating valuation of an investment? Can you gave an example?

Top answer:

Most Favorite Nation (MFN) is a negotiated provision in SAFE or convertible investments, which provides the investor with the best terms for that group of investments. This is sometimes used in early investments where other terms (valuat...


why the total cost, FMV and Unrealized Gain/Loss for each PortCo in Cohort 3 Investments do not add up?

why the total cost, FMV and Unrealized Gain/Loss for each PortCo in Cohort 3 Investments do not add up? 

Top answer:

The dataset in the system is incorrect, which is incorrectly reflecting investments and their values.

 -  Rob Del Prete 0

Which are the best practices for an ESOP?

Regarding vesting schedules, % of the company, Key People considered, at which point in the startup's development it should be defined.

Top answer:

The best practices for an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) include ensuring that founders and employees of a startup have vesting schedules to secure investment from reputable VCs. This helps align the interests of the employees with...


How do I update the valuation of a portfolio company in the Investments subsection of Decile Hub?

Decile Base Answer: I can't confidently answer this question, please start a new Decile Base post to have this question answered.

Top answer:

In Hub on the left nav, select Back Office, Investments then click Update Valuation next to the portfolio company. Now click Add Funding Round and add the relevant information for the new round, click Save. Now click Funding Rounds and s...


How do I generate an annual report in Decile Hub?

The current answer includes a task from the Step 2 assignment of Sprint 8 for the Venture Institute program. I'm not sure if it is there due to an error, but it shouldn't be there.

Top answer:

Within the Fund Overview page, you can generate your annual report.

 -  Rob Del Prete 0

My firm has two owners/managing partners - how should we allocate the shares of the Management Company?

Top answer:

Consider very carefully the following factors while deciding on the allocation of shares between two owners and/or managing partners: • overall contribution; • value (expertise, network, etc.) It is critical to have a clear understandin...


What is there both a Management Company and a General Partner entity? Why not use one entity instead?

Top answer:

The separation between the Management Company and the General Partner entity in a Venture Capital firm/fund structure allows for scalability and flexibility. The Management Company owns the brand and intellectual property, and is where t...


What happens if one of the fund managers passes away or is otherwise incapacitated?

Top answer:

If a fund manager passes away or is incapacitated, the fund's Limited Partner Agreement (LPA) typically includes language or provisions addressing this event.  For example, in the Cornerstone LPA published by Decile Group, such an event...


I set up a Share Pool for my General Partner entity to issue to Venture Partners. What happens if I don't issue them all?

Top answer:

If you don't issue all the shares in your Share Pool to Venture Partners, those shares simply remain unallocated. They can be issued at a later date to new Venture Partners or other team members if needed. It's important to note that un...


What if I want to add a Venture Partner (or another person) to my firm's Management Company?

Top answer:

Adding a Venture Partner or another person to your firm's Management Company is a significant decision as it involves sharing ownership and control of the entire firm. This person would then also earn carried interest on all funds under ...


Are Venture Partners in a Firm's General Partner entity or Management Company?

Top answer:

Venture Partners sit in the General Partner entity of a Venture Capital firm. They are involved in managing only one specific fund and can earn a percentage of the carried interest for that particular fund. They are typically not part of...


How does the typical Venture Capital firm/fund structure make it easy to scale?

Top answer:

With the popular Venture Capital firm/fund structure used by Decile Partners, scaling a Venture Capital firm is relatively easy. New Venture Capital funds can be spun up under the same Management Company (requiring only a new General Par...