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When should fund managers file as Exempt Reporting Advisors (in the US)?

When should fund managers file as Exempt Reporting Advisors (in the US)?

Top answer:

Generally speaking, ERAs must file the Form ADV within 60 calendar days of becoming an ERA - thus they generally must file within 60 calendar days of a fund's first closing, in most cases. Please see the following (Item 13 in particular...


How to Approach a Family Foundation as a Potential LP: Differences, Recommendations, and Technical Issues?

Am preparing to meet a family foundation as a potential LP because they want more impact any recommendations or insights on how that might differ from connecting with a HNWI or a family office? Or any technical/ regulatory issues I should study up on?

Top answer:

Family offices care a lot about deal flow. You will likely have pro-rata opportunities that the fund will not be able to fill. Build your pitch narrative around the fact that they will have opportunity to double down on some of your best...


Is it Necessary to Establish LP, GP, and ManCo Simultaneously or Can I Register a DE LLC for ManCo First?

is there a reason to establish all 3 entities (LP GP and ManCo) at once and at the first close or I can register a DE LLC for ManCo now and start marketing the brand and the mission without talking about the fund?

Top answer:

Do not register any entities until you’re ready to start closing. This is a major mistake. MAJOR. All 3 entities will need very specific operating agreements and they need to have relationships. It will be so hard for you to fix this mi...


What Standard Reply Can Be Used for LP's Request on Fund Reporting Metrics?

One of the LP’s is asking for the fund reporting metrics? Is there a standard reply that one can use to answer this?

Top answer:

Just say that you will provide standard quarterly reporting when the fund is set up with a quantitative analysis of the returns and qualitative updates on the portfolio.

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Q: Is the Fund Overview a More Detailed Version of the Deck, and Does it Replace the PPM?

Q: 1) Do I understand correctly that the Overview of the fund completely duplicates the Deck with the difference that the Overview has more text description and explanations? Should the deck structure be completely duplicated in Overview? 2) What is the purpose of Overview? Does it replace PPM?

Top answer:

1. it should be similar, but there are other sections that are important as well that are not in your deck, such as the fund rules section 2. it gives a quick snapshot of the fund, similar to an executive summary. it does not replace the...


How to Accrue Early Non-Realized Performance for Late LPs in a Fast-Closing Context?

*- accrued perf to late LPs -* Hello I am unsure how to formulate it and if relevant in our context of closing quickly. One prospective LP asked me my formula to accrue early non-realized perf to late LPs joining. I answered that • there is no NAV so no such computation • i intend to do the final close in less that 12 months • all LPs get the same perf Did I miss something?

Top answer:

It appears that the limited partner is asking for there to be a penalty or catch-up fee for late entrants into the fund. You can simply response that you are not adding any penalties or catch up fees, as you your intention is to close qu...

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What is the Best Title for an Investment Stage Between Seed and Series A with Early Traction and Institutional Investors?

Investment stage. If the investment sweet spot you’d like to focus on is: i) already some early stage institutional investor in the cap table (i.e. don’t be the first) ii) some early traction but not yet proven market fit (i.e. scale-up but pre-round A). How would you suggest to define this in the context of the investment thesis: A) Seed B) Pre Series A C) Seed plus or Seed Extension or Late Sees D) Series A. Any feedback and explanation highly welcome! Tx!

Top answer:

This is called a Seed investment. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

What is the Proper Allocation of Class A and Class V Shares in a General Partner Agreement for LPs, GPs, and Venture Partners?

Hi team does anyone know how to divvy up the shares in the general partner agreement? specifically a) Are class A shares to be given to the respective LPS in proportion to how much contribute ? i.e. assuming 1000000 class A shares with an LP contributing 10% of the fund translating to 100000 shares ? I assume 'Active investor' means the LP.s + the GP commit? b)Do class A shares represent the carry portion of the fund only or the entire fund ? c) Who exactly gets class V shares i.e. what exactly does membership interest mean? c) Assuming a venture partner received 1% from the total 20% carry. how exactly would that be expressed from a share allocation perspective? It might help to have an example to mimic as we craft these agreements unless there is a specific session on this coming up.

Top answer:

The General Partnership Entity manages the carry and is governed by the Stewardship agreement that you are referring to. The Limited Partnership Entity is where the LPs invest and it allocates the carry to the General Partnership Entity....


What is the exact difference between a 'Venture Partner' and a 'Venture Investor'?

What is the exact difference between a 'Venture Partner' and a 'Venture Investor'?

Top answer:

This is another example of confusing venture capital terminology. They are often the same thing. Venture Investors can refer to Venture Partners that help with investing, primarily.

Community Member

What is the Recommended Minimum Investment for Balancing LP Fund Size and Quantity?

Hello thinking about possible LPs I know to come up with the right fund size what is the smallest investment that you would recommend accepting? There would be a trade-off between amount raised and having too many LPs with small investments e.g. 25K minimum vs 100K minimum. Mike Adeo

Top answer:

We recommend that you raise the minimum between closing as your forcing function. You may start with $25K and increase it to $500K.

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Why Do You Advise Against Hurdle Rates, and Do LPs Prefer Them for New Funds Without Track Records?

I can see you guys advice against using hurdle rates. May I ask for the reason behind it to understand the rationale other than being not that GP friendly? Will not quite some LPs like to see hurdle rates especially for a new fund without track record it provides some more security for them?

Top answer:

If you have a Hurdle Rate of 4%, then you need to get 104% returned before you get any carried interest. Since your primary compensation is through carry, this is really unfair to the GP, especially in smaller funds. You’re already maki...


What are the optimal timelines for distributing proceeds to LPs and the best practices in terms of business days?

Hi All can anyone share information on the most optimal timelines for the distribution of proceeds to LPs? What is the trend for best practice? How many business days etc post year end or end of duration of fund etc.

Top answer:

Distributions are usually done upon exits and the Fund's LPA usually specifies the details. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

Do Typical Investment Periods Exist for Funds, and Can a 5MM Fund Have a 15-Year Lifetime?

Are there any typical types of investment periods for funds? For a 5MM fund what should be the lifetime? Could it be 15 years?

Top answer:

The active investment period is normally between 2 and 4 years. Read the Cornerstone LPA for how these terms are set.

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How Does a 2% Management Fee in a 10-Year $10MM Fund Result in $2MM Deduction and $8MM for Investment?

Hi everyone! Sorry in advance for the silly question but how come that 'A 2% Management Fee in a 10 year fund of $10 MM totals $2 MM so the fund only has $8 MM to invest'? I thought 2% of 10MM is 200K? This info is from question #6 of the current sprint.

Top answer:

There are 10 years (usually) of annual Managment Fees, so 10 times 2% is 20%.

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What constitutes eligible startup equity for GPs to contribute 1% to the fund?

What constitutes eligible startup equity for GPs to contribute 1% to the fund?

Top answer:

LPs typically expect that GPs contribute 1% to the fund. Think of it like skin in the game. This can be done via cash, or, via equity from a warehouse investment. So, for example, if you have equity in company, you can contribute that i...