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General VC Questions

Ask anything about venture capital, and there will likely be an answer. Sometime there is no answer, and you may need to consult a professional. The training data is growing every day, which will help the system answer even more questions in the future.

Define the following LPA terms - Prohibited Sectors

Top answer:

"Prohibited Sectors" are simply such industries, sectors of the economy, etc. that a Fund will not invest in. Some of these prohibitions are driven by regulatory and compliance matters, while others are a matter of strategic decisions ma...


define the following LPA term - Maximum Portfolio Investment

Top answer:

The Maximum Portfolio Investment Percentage (typically set at 10%) is the maximum amount of the fund's total capital commitments that can be invested into any single portfolio company. This prevents the fund from concentrating too much r...


What is the largest check size I can accept?

If I incorporated as a $3M fund, I believe the largest check I can accept is $750K. If, however, I get oversubscribed, what is the largest I can take? Can I assumed it is 25% of whatever the current size is at any time or does it still have to be only $750K?

Top answer:

The largest check size you can accept should not allow any one LP to own 25% or greater of the fund, as this would give them control. If you oversubscribe, the largest check size can increase proportionally, but it should still remain be...


I recently have seen some ARK advertisements...

I am wondering how they can Advertise, talk about their startups you can invest in etc. isn't this considered soliciting?

Top answer:

I can’t speak to ARK, however General Solicitation applies to funds that are fundraising. If a fund is fully subscribed and closed, it’s typically ok to speak publicly about the fund and it’s strategy.

 -  Mike Suprovici

What are some potential issues with making a capital call of more then the recommended 25% on the 1st close?

👍 1
Top answer:

The issue with doing a high capital call on the first close of say 30%+ is that all future LPs post the 1st close will also need to wire 30% to catch up. This is not a major point of friction with high net worth individuals that are inve...


A connector wants to feature our fund in a newsletter to 21,000 people globally that are interested and want to invest in the sector of our investment fund. How do we word or message this without violating general solicitation rules?

Top answer:

To avoid violating general solicitation rules, ensure the newsletter does not explicitly solicit investments or provide specific details about the fund. Instead, focus on sharing general information about the sector, the management team,...


How many VC firms are in the United States? How to approach counting the number of VC firms? How much capital was deployed in 2024?

Top answer:

The number of operating VC firms that are either raising funds or deploying capital is an unknown number. The amount deployed is also unknown.  Research providers make best guess estimates based on panels, so these research numbers are ...


why don't more VC firms go to the evergreen structure?

The answer from the Decile AI was a little too generic, e.g. : 1. "because they are unfamiliar with LPs" - SAFEs were unfamiliar at one point 2. "It complicates fundraising" - wouldn't the VC firm treat this a vc firm raising a new fund every 6-12 months? 3. "requires marking assets to market for LP liquidity" - I can see this a problem 4.  "and introduces significant complexity, especially with startups" - what would the startups that have been invested in have to do above and beyond what a non-evergreen fund would require of them? I can imagine one additional problem would be ensuring a cash reserve, which would limit the funds investing power.

Top answer:

TL'DR: By combining an excruciatingly difficult fundraising process with operational costs that are an order of magnitude higher - evergreen structures are often not viable for early stage VC. Ultra Difficult Fundraising Since there ar...


can a 20m dollar fund have 15m dollars that can invest globally but 5m dollars can only invest in Uzbekistan

Top answer:

Yes, a $20 million fund can allocate $15 million for global investments and $5 million specifically for Uzbekistan. However, this allocation should be clearly outlined in the fund's strategy and legal documents. It's important to ensure ...


Is there any way to list a VC fund on a stock market in particular in Kuwait

Top answer:

Listing VCs on public stock exchanges has not been successful to date. There are a few instances in Israel and a couple in London. Such a structure adds many inconvenient requirements for fund managers. Also, startups don't like to have ...


If I have a $10m fund size and I do a close on $1m, what is my fund size?

Top answer:

The amount of capital that you close on is your fund size, not your target. In other words, if you have a fund target of $10m and you do a 1st close on $1m, your fund size is $1m until you close on more capital. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

Is there any situation where it’s acceptable to not perform AML/KYC on Limited Partners during a fund closing process?

Top answer:

TL'DR - No. All Limited Partners must go through an AML/KYC prior to being accepted into the fund during an proper institutional grade LP onboarding process. This is because banks perform significant compliance checks on onboarded LPs. W...


What is a search fund?

What is a search fund and how does it work?

Top answer:

A search fund functions in a similar way to venture capital funds and PE funds where the fund manager raises capital from investors and deploys it into companies with the goal of creating a liquidity event. However, the execution of the ...


How does Decile measure adherence to these ethical standards in a way that ensures accountability across the firms in its network, especially when market pressures favor rapid returns?

Top answer:

Decile Group promotes and adheres to the Mensarius Oath ( In general, the principles of the Oath are enforced by the community. When a member of the community feels that the Oath has been violated...


How can VC professionals spot potential red flags when evaluating the “Business Model” of early-stage companies?

Top answer:

The business model of early stage startups is often a guess that gets refined by constant customer development. In this context, red flags are not knowing who the actual customer is, not being diligent with customer development, and not ...


Is the management company of a VC firm considered a “regulated entity”, for banking purposes?

This is a question that comes up when filling out banking forms. How should the ManCo, GP and Fund entities be categorized when answering this question? The typical choices are: Yes, No, and “Pooled investment vehicle”

Top answer:

Typically, you select "Pooled Investment Vehicle" for the LP Entity (the fund)

 -  Mike Suprovici

tell me about Decile launch

Top answer:

Decile Launch is a structured program designed to establish a venture capital firm and close its fund. It offers a unified fund formation service with bundled legal, accounting, and strategic advice. The program includes forming all nece...


Hi, I want to change the name of the fund? how to do that? I don't see the

I want to change the name of the fund? how to do that? I don't see options under profile. 

Top answer:

To change the name of your Firm go to Settings > Firm Settings. To change the name of your Fund go to Settings > Firm Settings > Entity Management.

 -  Travis Giggy

Compensation for Advisors

We are looking to bring on a few advisors to help improve our repertoire of value-added services. Ex. We want to bring on a professional sales recruiter to help early stage companies hire their 1st CRO, SDRs, etc. and help organize their sales operations.  We would want this type of person to spend some time with each new portfolio company. What are typical advisor type compensation models that have worked well or expected?

Top answer:

Please review the Venture Share agreement and compensation model: IMPORTANT: It's critical that you avoid signing any agreements with venture partners until after you form the fund and complete a 1st c...


Clarification on 2% Management Fee

When we discuss a 2% management fee, I know that usually there is a drop off after the "investment period", meaning that we shouldn't charge 2% every year for a 10 year fund. So when we discuss 2%, is this a blended rate over 10 years with a higher % for the investment period? If so, what is the recommendation for fee % during the 3-5 year investment period? OR is the 2% for the investment period and the blended rate over 10 years is lower? Ex. 2.5% from years 1-4 dropping to 1.25% in years 5-10 yields a blended fee of 1.75% over the 10 year period.

Top answer:

It's 2% average over the life of the fund. Read this article:

 -  Mike Suprovici

Impact of non-dilutive funding on company valuation.

Is it considered best practice to account for significant non-dilutive grant monies in a markup valuation, e.g., in the range of $1.5M - $2.5M?

Top answer:

TL'DR - no, unless it's specified in your fund's valuation policy. Markups are recorded based on your adopted valuation policy. Most VC valuation policies, including Decile Group's, work as follows: SAFEs & Convertible Notes - Keep inv...


What are the premium packages available for VC Lab participants?

Top answer:

VC Lab participants have three packages based on the level of help and guidance desired. The basic Program is free. For group office hours and more hands on support, there is a Plus package. For one-on-one guidance, including a private c...


Event Email

Hello,  I am trying to send a mass email to all of my prospects for an event. How do I accomplish this with the event template?

Top answer:

@Grant Rogers If you scroll down on event settings you will see a section named Email Templates.  The first template here is the invite itself which you should customize to your own tone of voice.  Within this template is a green variabl...


Does any one have a good reference to a checklist of lowest common denominator legal documents that are required for an emerging fund? ( as good starting point)

this is meant to be a starting point  and can evolve it based on our own fund specifics 

Top answer:

Decile Group provides a full suite of legal agreements for funds: Alignment Agreement (ManCo), Stewardship Agreement (GP), Cornerstone LPA (LPA), and the Venture Share (Venture Partner). There are many other agreements needed depending o...


brokerage accounts for VC funds

I need to open a brokerage account for a portco that exited.  Will be holding the public stock before distributing to LPs.  Should I open the account for the LP or the Manco?  I am leaning toward using Fidelity but any recs on best brokerage account for VCs would also be appreciated.

Top answer:

Typically this is done at the LP entity level because it's the fund's portfolio company. If you were to do it at the ManCo level you would have an audit trail that showed that the stock was transferred to the manager and you would need t...


brokerage accounts for VC funds

I need to open a brokerage account for a portco that exited.  Will be holding the public stock before distributing to LPs.  Should I open the account for the LP or the Manco?  I am leaning toward using Fidelity but any recs on best brokerage account for VCs would also be appreciated.

Top answer:

A brokerage account should generally be opened for the fund entity (the Limited Partnership in most cases) that the investment into the portfolio company was made from. We don't have any particular recommendations for best brokerage acco...


If angels want to pool their money in an SPV I assume the SPV can invest in my fund?

Top answer:

Yes, however it's not a good idea to do so from a business perspective because: 1. Most SPV providers are not setup to do capital calls. As a result the costs involved in setting up an SPV that can manage capital calls is prohibitive.  ...


brokerage accounts for VC funds

I recently had a portfolio company go public.  Would like recommendations on best places to hold the shares before distribution to LPs.  Do Etrade/Fidelity/Shwab etc allow VC funds to open accounts?

Top answer:

Yes, E*TRADE, Fidelity, and Schwab generally allow VC funds to open brokerage accounts to hold shares before distribution to LPs. However, it's advisable to check with each institution for specific requirements and services tailored to V...


GP from india where you're registering your fund

Top answer:

UK is not a desirable domicile unless you're based in the UK and all your LPs are in the UK. Indian GPs that are based in India and plan to invest in local companies domicile in India. Alternatively, many also domicile in Delaware if the...


What is a deal warehouse?

What is the legality behind it. How can we warehouse a deal which was not part of the current fund ?

Top answer:

A deal warehouse involves a prospective fund manager making an investment personally or through a wholly-owned entity before the venture capital fund is set up and reaches its first close. After the fund's first close, these investments ...